ikarishipping Cover~ Out of the Woods

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I actually did this when the WiFi was still out, which was a couple weeks ago I think. I had nothing else to do then cause I didn't wanna do homework.

Taylor Swift inspiration again. Yay. I love her song "out of the woods", it's just so epic, like when she's like "20 stitches in the hospital room!" And all that tasty stuff.

I think next time I'll be inspired by one of her older songs in her album "Fearless" cause I've just been throwing back to some oldies by her.

Even her makeup is on point, like, look at the red lips and the fleek eyeliner. I can't pull that off. Such a bae.

Okay, I've been obsessing over one of her older songs called "Enchanted" and I've loved this song forever, and it's just the feels dude. Makes me think of my crush. I wanna do a cover based on that too, cause Taylor is bae for life.

My goal is when I'm a professional basketball player, I'm gonna buy a ticket for her so she can watch me dunk and be like Stephan Curry, then have our #Reunitation. We take a picture together, then put the picture together by the one when we first met, and be like "When we first met and now #REUNITE" and then blow up Instagram and Facebook and the whole internet. BOOM. I'll be super famous, and then you'll all be like "DUDE I KNOW THAT PERSON!"

Now you know my goals in life to reunite with Taylor Swift. Comment below about your awesome crazy goals in life.

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