The agreement

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I sat in my office feeling veery veery stressed out. Not only had it already been a week since I last saw Ico not only was his tranquil silence exasperating but I also had a lot of unfinished projects.We had some residentials lined up for an important client but the team was behind schedule.The client was to come early tomorrow morning and we had not yet finished furnishing let alone clean at least 2 of the 4 houses and especially the one I thought he would love most. Nothing was done and truth be told my annoyance was quite raw.My stuff seemed to be missing and it didn't take much to figure out why.Everyone knew not to aoproach me when I was on edge.
For that alone I was grateful.I was a naturally calm and sweet person and so that meant that after yelling and barking at people I would feel horrible later.I valued my workers and never wanted to derail them...atleast not intentionally.The door to my office was -what is the word ah yes- thrown off its hinges interupting my tumbled train of thoughts.Looking up and seeing Ico had mixed feelings.First of I was a very private person no joke so before welcoming oneself I much rather the person knocked.Second i felt ridiculously happy I had not seen him in so long and seeing him just made me want to smile.It seemed like he was having the same train of thoughts. His eyes looked soft but his face annoyed -his mouth was turned into an angry scowl.Deciding I had to dpeak first and get the upper hand i cleared my throat.
"Well darling,I'd say its nice to see you but im rather busy as you can see and in a foul mood that you wouldn't want to be directed at you. So please speak your peace and give me mine...yes?"
He took a casual pose leaaning against the wall and pocketing his hands. Images of the last time I saw him flashed my mind, he was so delicious.

"Your coming with me "
I didn't even bother answering I kept going through the file trying to ensure that all the things were perfect in the house.My assistant had portfolios of the photos that showed the progress they had made.

Suddenly even without notice my chair was moved back making the file fall all over and me to nearly lose my balance. I heard a loud shriek and it took me a moment to register it was my own and before I could make out any further notices I was flung over Ico's shoulder and he started maching out of the office.He was such a barbarian!
"Ico,what in the Lord's name do you think your doing?'my voice bore hints of the frustration I felt yet I could not lash out.A crowd of my workers had gathered for the show behind Ico and I could see their shocked expressions from my vantage point. If Ico noticed my anger he was either i.mune to it ir pretending to be. 'Ico put me the hel...heaven down, if you please'
From a far his voice sounded muffled when it reached my ears "it does not please me my sweet!"
I started thrashing wildly. I had always had an insane fear of falling I really had no idea why or how but it always gave me such chills straight to my spine.yet here I was flopped upside down by a barbarian-handsome as he may be-who may just drop me at any second,on my head.I felt the adrenaline in my body kick in and I wrapped my hands around Ico's waist and flipped myself over only letting him go at the last minute.Once I was standing on my feet again I flipped my hair which had gone wild from my movement.My body was in a stance ready to fight.The urge to defend myself was so strong.My mind was screaming over and over, you have been attacked,let me out.I forced myself to take deep breaths, slow deep breaths...Its Ico,we know him,we like him Its Ico...I keep repeating it.Ico's gaze was fixed on me.I didn't even see when he gave the order for everyone to clear out.I think no one paid attention because next thing he had pulled me into his arms and covered my mouth his his right after murmuring,loud enough for all to hear,"she's mine".

I didn't have the chance to ask what he meant as his lips crushed mine.My breath caught in my chest making it rise to feel the hard pressed muscle of Ico's chest.He murmured something I did not understand. Probably as my head was not functioning.I tried to pull away the simple touch of his lips had wrought a fire within me...that was liking its way in my blood.Ico groaned and stepped even closer pushing me to the nearby wall and savaging my mouth.Nicking at my bottom lip whispering something unvomprihendible but my mouth opened on its own my mind letting out an answering murmur which for the life of me I did not understand.There seemed as if something sharp was piercing my heart which fluttered and ached aith equal measure.
I opened my legs gave him room to stand between my legs and heard him growl again.He wrapped his ars around my waist the other was firmly on my bottom kneading it making me struggle closer to him.My hands under the control of my brain reached out and grabbed his thick hair digging into his scalp fiercely.Raging down to his back and digging my nails into his shirt.The fierceness I felt to mark him to make him mine was so incredibly acute that I feared it would consume me.My mind was overwhelmed I felt high,like I had a deficiency of oxygen.Ico growled his tongue searching mine battling then pulling it into his mouth.He ran his teeth through my tongue as it retreated to its place.The washed over me,my whole being mind,body and souls.It was overwhelming, my heart ached as if in pain.My body wanted more, my mind was demanding I make him touch me, take me anything to ease the ache. I hadn't realised that I had ripped his coat until he slowed the kiss and pulled back.He was breathing hard.His chest rising and falling.His hands were in my hair now.I had no idea how they got there.He opened his eyes and looked at me.His eyes were liquid brown,honey and mild coffee like..They reminded of something .I couldn't figure out what. As his gaze went back through my body it struck me with startling clarity.His eyes,they looked like... well like mine.
I tried gazing at them again but when he looked back at me it seemed like they were the usual green after all.My goodness,that kiss must have done something to me.He pulled my hand and tucked me to his side without a word, gazing at my eyes , then shook his head and resumed our path to the elivator.

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