Two become One...(b)

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Well here goes, thanks to My-smilez for insisting I finish this...
Love you baby.


Iri woke from her dream just as she was about to climax.
Her body throbbed painfully, her hips still rising into the air, wanting, searching for the pleasure she needed.
Rising to lean on her elbows she opened her eyes, which clashed with green darkening orbs that she instantly recognized as her husbands and felt a chill run down her spine answering the desire she saw in them.
Without thought, she moved closer to him, her body taking control even before her mind registered the command.
He seemed to understand exactly what was happening to her because he moved to her, his hand digging into the back of her scalp to run his fingers softly through the hair there and she couldn't help but moan as his fingers tugged on a knot. This elicited a deep breath taking from the man and the previous soft touch turned rough as he tilted her head to face him. Their eyes held and Iri licked her lips which felt dry at the way he gazed at her and his eyes followed her action, his chest heaving and his fingers digging deeper into her scalp.
Her own breath hitched and she bit her lip to stop from yelling at him to get on with it. He growled as if the action broke his strain as he finally lifted her up for a kiss.
The moment his lips touched hers, Iri knew she was lost. Yes they had kissed before abd that too severally but none as hungry and as needy as this one.  It reminded her of their first kiss, the one they shared when he had come to see her at her office but this time she knew he was going to finish what he started and it made her moan into the kiss. He lifted her off the bed to make her straddle him all the while not breaking the kiss as if afraid too that if the kiss broke, the spell would be broken too. Immediately her legs wrapped around him, he tried to push his tongue into her mouth but she pulled away, trying to angle the kiss differently. He made a noise in the back of his throat and captured her bottom lip with his teeth biting, quite hard into the tender flesh. She gasped in surprise and he took that opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth and capture hers into his teeth grazing it lightly and making her moan in pleasure as her hands went to his naked back to claw at his triceps. Her groaned and released her tongue to kiss her deeper before laying her back on the bed slowly. His hands roamed over her body, lifting her dress to dig into her thighs as he angled her head to kiss her deeper. His hands roamed over body, in an agitated impatient gesture, from her thighs up towards her core and then stopping to move to her back and running them there, then stopping to start a path from her stomach to her breasts slowing to a whispered caress and then back again.
Iri growled in frustration and heard him chuckle before he released her mouth to latch his lips to the throbbing pulse of her neck as he lifted her body off the bed to unzip her dress.  When he bit down hard on the juncture of her neck she let out a loud moan and let her head fall back on the plush pillows, all her energy drained into pleasure.
She felt him tag on her dress and when that failed to release the fabric he growled, pushing the arms down her shoulders until the dress revealed her wine colored bra. He paused for a second to gaze at them his breath hitching and as he nuzzled the tips with his nose, his hands reached behind her to unlatch her bra. He did not even bother to remove it but simply lifted each breast out of the bra, caressed the tips lightly then blew a soft breath on the hardened peaks. Iri whimpered anew, assured that she would cum any second now and dizzy with the need to do exactly that.
Hearing her need Ico gazed into her eyes as he eyes as he swiftly brought his mouth to latch on the nipple. Iri let out a scream and didn't even have time to be embarrassed as she felt a shard of pleasure hit her all the way to the heart. Refusing to be an inactive participant on their first time, she lowered her hands from ger husband's back to the front of his pants and realized that while she had been disheveled he was still dressed.

Ico let out a shocked gasp when he felt her turn him around and straddle him. She first lifted her dress shoulders back into place then lifted it slowly out of her body to reveal only her colored panties, a matching set with her bra.
Leaning back on her feet, she tugged his pants off his body and he lifted his arse to help her but her intentions seem to have been forgotten when his hard cock came into view. Acting as if discovering it for the first time, she reached a tentative finger to run it on his underside then up to his tip before thumbing the seeping liquid there and spreading it making him hiss. Smiling, she suddenly grabbed his erection into her hands and gave a rough tug that sent pleasure through his body to such dizzying heights he had to lay back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2017 ⏰

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