Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I woke up feeling cold, I turned to look at my alarm clock and it's only three in the morning, it's the first time I woke up this early and I'm really cold, what's with me today?, I sat up and I saw outside my window that it's raining really heavy, I sighed, maybe later the rain will stop, I stood up so I can get more blankets. when I got my blankets I returned to bed, I felt really weak, some sleep will make me better, I guess?.

I woke up again and it's time for me to get ready for work, but now I'm feeling really hot, I'm sweating like a pig hot hot.

"princess get up it's time to get ready" Charlie shouted when he entered my room, then he gasp when he saw me

"what happened to you, you're sweating to much, you look like hell" he said, and then he put his hand on my forehead "oh you're burning up, I will call Mr. Jacobs to let him know that you'll not be able to go to work okay"

I shook my head in protest "no, there's no need, I can go to work"

"no you're staying here, rest okay" he told me with a final tone.

I just sighed and nodded, then he left so he can talk to Mr. Jacobs

Charlie came back a few minutes "Sammy, I'm sorry but I can't be here to take care of you, they need me in the office" he told me with a corncerned look

"it's fine I'm not a kid anymore, I can take care of myself, go now, you'll be late"

"okay, okay , call me if you need anything" I nodded

"bye Sammy"

"bye" then I'm all alone again in my home.

I decided to get up and made myself some soup, I made my way to the kitchen and began rummaging for a canned soup cause I'm too lazy to make a real soup , but I didn't find any . I huffed and just ate a piece of bread so I can take a pill for these fucking flu.

 I went back to my room and just let sleep took over me.

I've been out I guess for hours when I heard keys and a door being opened, I opened my eyes immediately, that's not just a door, it's my front door, I stood up and scanned for a thing that'll help me defend myself, I just took my alarm clock and carefully went out of my room, I heard some shuffling in my kitchen, I tiptoed to the kitchen, prepared to smash my alarm clock to the theif , but when I saw who the theif is, I was really, utterly shocked.

"what are you doing here?" I demanded

"really an alarm clock?" Blake laughed

"it's not funny, you scared the shit out off me" I yeld at him "and again, what are you doing here?"

"I heard that you are really sick, and I decided to bring you some soup" he shrugged

my heart soften at him and I gave him a small smile "Charlie told you?"

"nah, I forced him to tell me where you are, and he told me that you're burning up this morning and I rushed in here, and I saw a little restaurant beside your apartment building so I decided to get you something to eat cause I know that you're too lazy to cook some food"

I became really uncomfortable because of what he said, it's really sweet, why did this player suddenly becomes sweet to me. "thanks" I mumbled 

"now, go back to your room and rest, I'll be there in a sec to help you eat " he ordered

"no need, I can do it by myself, thank you though"

"just go back to your room" then he turned his back on me, I huffed and just followed what he said

Chasing Ms. CEOOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz