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Hey, guys! So, as you might or might not know, this isn't the final version of the book, nor is The Fault in Our Mango the final title. In reality, we seriously don't know what could be a possible title, and much less a cover. Our art skills/editing skills aren't that pro, and so... We want you guys to help us.

So if you want to participate, you can make a cover and try to think of a possible title. If you would like to participate, send  a message to this account, by kik, or by email.

Be creative and we will update on how its going. The winner will get the honor of having their work as our cover (credited of course), and a shout out on all our social media accounts.

Thank you! And enjoy the book!

kik: dovewing240 (Kimiko) or maymongi2130 (Nicollet Sage)



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