Chapter Two.

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"So wait, you're seriously telling me that you're a porn addict?" I asked Grace.
"I'm serious! The first thing I think about in the morning is how to deal with my morning glory." She explained.
"Grace, you don't have a morning glory. You're a girl, remember?" I informed my best friend as we walked to class.
"You don't know anything." She whispered which caused me to laugh. Grace slowly stopped in her path, clutching at my arm as she did. "You see that? Justin Bieber." She pointed out as I spotted the college 'sweet heart' (as Grace likes to call him) "I would watch that video any day of the week." She sighed, biting her lip.
"Please stop. The last thing I want to hear your fantasies" I squirmed.

* * * * * * *
"So I expect the essay in two weeks or all of you shall be on my death list." Christine explained. Christine was the theory teacher of our course, although she never really teaches us, just threatens us. If you can imagine a female Rumpelstiltskin with breath that smells like a shit did a shit, then me and you are going to get along just gr- "Oh Poppy do stop day dreaming and get out." She moaned in my ear as almost the whole class had already left for our second lesson.

I sighed, shoving my folder in my bag, most likely crushing any paper in it's way. As I threw my bag over my shoulder, I noticed Grace waiting for me a few steps from the room door. But someone else caught my eye. Not that I even like looking at Justin.

"Excuse me." I said attempting to slide past him as his naturally tall figure held against the door frame. He moved a little more, making it more difficult to get through the already narrow gap. "Did you not hear me?" I asked him, glaring at the annoying individual.

"Don't think I did, no." He smirked.


"Darling Justin, can you please move your ugly ass out of my way so that I can attend my next class, achieve my grades and hopefully never see you ever again?"

Me and Justin are far far from friends. He is ridiculously annoying and does nothing but sleep with who ever he likes. Blonde hair and dull eyes...not my type. But Kane that's a real man, with real manly parts and-

"I noticed your last two essays were late-" he smirked, walking with me as Grace walked a metre or two in front. I could tell she was listening. She's nosey like that.

"Boo fucking who?"I spat, folding my arms.

"Oh come on Pops, I thought you might want some help?" he offered.


Why is he doing this?

"Don't call me Pops. I don't need your help, thank you." I sighed, pushing open the maths block door.


"No, Justin."

* * * * * * *

My feet touched the cold, tiled floor in my shower room, sending chills from my toes upwards. I grabbed my soft, warm bath towel, wrapping it tight around my body. Wet strands of hair were whipped across my face and fell down my back and shoulders.

I opened my door, humming Wonderful Life by Black. My dad used to play the record when I was a little girl but the record now remains lost in the attic and has been since he left for the army. He's been gone for eight years but still sends annual letters and post cards from Africa and Asia where he fights to protect civilians from attackers.

I've always been proud of him and he's always been proud of me, mum and Jason, my brother.

I positioned myself in front of my full length mirror, brushing my hair and yanking out any knots. My hair fell in perfect straight lines as I brushed through it. Once I was finished, I threw the brush on my bed, startling my cat, Winston as I did.

I bit my lip as my hands undid the folds of my towel and held it open. I would often stare at my body, sometimes to pass the time or notice any unusual changes.

I heard Winston meow behind me as I tied the towel again. "I know Winney," I said, sighing, "I'm obsessed."


"I know. And that stupid Justin keeps breathing down my neck. He wants to help me with this essay, as if we're friends." I ranted to him.


"I know, right? Ugh he's such an affliction to my life...But I really don't know how I'm going to complete this without a computer." I stroked Winston from head to tail, scratching behind his ears.

"Knock knock!" I heard Jason call from the other side of my bedroom door. Without permission, he barged in, causing Winston to jump and run out of the room.

"Jason!" I moaned.

"Oh shut your trap and taste this." He said handing me a class with a smoothie-like liquid inside it. I took the glass and took a sip.

"Not bad. What is it?" I asked, handing the glass back to him.

"It's raspberries, cherries and ketchup." I instantly gagged, kicking Jason's hip.

"Disgusting!" I shouted, laughing at him.

"So, how was your day?" He asked, sitting on the end of his bed with his satanic smoothie.

"It was okay. I got assigned yet another essay and I have no idea how I'm going to do it without a computer and this stupid guy in my class offered to help, even though he hates me and I hate him and-"

"And is this guy a...crush?" he asked. I frowned at him and rolled my eyes.

"Jase, listen to my words. He is not my friend and never will be."

"But if he can help you, why can't you just get along for the best part of a few days? I mean how smart is this guy?"

"He's top of the class...but still an A grade dick."

"Just consider it sis, okay? Maybe if you two became friends he can do all your work." Jason suggested.

Maybe that wasn't such a bad suggestion.

* * * * * * *

Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee let me know what you guys think?

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