Chapter Four.

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I groaned, rolling over to the other side of my bed to get away from the sound of my shitty phone.


I felt Winston's paws tap on my face, attempting to wake me up.

"Go away." I whispered



I rolled back over, grabbing my phone and flipping up the screen.

"It's me."

"Hello me, how are you? Oh no wait, I don't care-"

"We need to talk." It was Justin. His morning voice was raspy and sort of sounded like a deteriorating motorcycle. "It's about your...payments." Every last word that he said lingered down the line.

"My...payments?" I repeated, rubbing my eyes and shooing Winney out the way as I sat up in my bed.

"You don't seriously expect me to do your essay for free, do you?" He asked, I could see him so clearly, sitting there in his stupid expensive chair with his expensive boxers and his sweaty abs.

"Wh- much are you planning on-"

"I don't like to discuss business on the phone. Come to my house at around 3 o'clock. Oh your hair like you did the other day." He ordered, his voice becoming almost like a whisper.

"I hate you." I sighed, putting the phone down.

* * * * * * *

I rang the door bell of the huge estate. Justin's family was clearly wealthy, his house was huge and everything inside it was of expensive taste. Sort of like the home I never had. I don't usually take notice in what I wear, or what anyone else wears for that matter but, today was different. I was about to become a regular visitor or the Bieber residents, unfortunately, after already spending the afternoon there two days before.
I always wore a cute black blouse with this blue skirt which was dark but short and sort of flows. It goes well with black tights and cute little ballet pumps.
I knew for a fact that Justin wouldn't care for my choice of clothing, but somehow...this felt different. Like I needed to prove myself as an independent woman.

I checked my watch.
I was early but the sooner this was over the better.

Justin unlocked the door and pulled it open slightly, looking me up and down before opening it fully.

"Come in." He said, emotionlessly. I followed him into the house, closing the door behind me. Justin walked through to his study, with me following skin after. He sat in his big, leather office chair that could spin until you felt sick. Almost like a judges court room chair or a business man's chair. I stood in the centre of the room, watching Justin save his work so far on my essay. The long silence made me nervous inside.

Speak up Poppy.

"So um-" I began, Justin instantly stopped what he was doing and turned to me, resting his arms on the sides of the chair. "This payment. How much do you want?" I asked.

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