1 | ivy

609 30 2

word count- 479

carls POV

"carl! come on, were headin over now." my dad yells from down the stairs. i pull a grey shirt over my head and looking in the mirror at my appearance. i look up and down for about 5 seconds then walk away. i look just the same as everyday. jeans, shirt, the straight almost emotionless face i constantly have, a hole where my right eye used to be.  i take a breath as a jog down the stairs. i scan the living room and see dad and the rest of our family standing and talking, waiting for me probably. michonne, daryl, judith, carol and the rest are here. my dad looks over at me and smiles. i lift a corner of my mouth to give him reassuring look. "alright lets go guys." my dad says.

theres yet another community party tonight. this time at jays family's house. how fun. my dad makes me go. i mean its not i dont like the parties, i just would rather be alone. theyre not very enjoyable for me. we arrive at the house the party is at. theres 80s music playing at a medium level. oh how adults love their 'classic tunes'.  i think about how there may never be new music again a lot. i used to think about that kinda stuff every minute of everyday. but now its my life. ive come to accept the fact that the world is different now. there is no way we can change it.

everyone has spread through out the house by now, mingling, drinking wine, even gossiping. i find it funny that there are fucking zombies on the earth and people still find the time to gossip about outfits. i laugh under my breath and roll my eye as i turn around to go outside for fresh air. "whats so funny?" i hear a plain voice speak as if its more of a statement than a question. jumping a little, confused at the person in front me i freeze up. its a girl. tall. not taller than me, maybe an inch shorter. she has dull brown eyes. not exactly dull, but just.. tired? she leans against the wall, 'examining' her nails. i stare at her for a moment, taking in her appearance, with my lips parted and my eye wide open. her eyes flash up and she raises an eyebrow, non-verbally asking 'well?'

"oh nothing." i mumble, and slightly shrug my shoulder. she stares into my eye, ignoring the badage around my other. like shes questioning me. she just keeps looking at me for about ten seconds. while im awkwardly holding my arm and standing in front of her.

she eyes me up and down and leans off the wall. 

making a 'hm' sound with her mouth closed, she walks away into a different room. slighty swinging her hips and her hands to the side.

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