7 | not completely wasted

157 4 0

word count - 769

carls POV

Without hesitation, Ivy walks past me and looks back with a smile, indicating me to come with her. I shake my head with a small laugh and follow. She begins to walk up the stairs without falling over, so i mean shes not completely wasted. When she reaches the third step her dress is short enough to see just the bottom of her black underwear and a bit of her ass. I cant help but stare and admire how hot that is. I exhale the breath i didnt know i was holding in and follow her, trying not to get hard.

She takes me to her room and she sits down with a smile on her unmade bed. Of course, she lights a cigarette. Then pats down the spot next to her on her bed while she inhales.

She was right, i didnt drink enough. I mean, not for this. I dont even know what we'll talk about or how to act infront of her. Shes a bit intimidating if were being honest here. I walk over and sit a few feet away from her.

She looks over and lets out a small laugh, shaking her head while she looks down.

"What?" i ask in annoyance.

"Nothing." she giggles, obviously having quite some fun. It seems like she hasnt stopled smiling for the past ten minutes. "Its okay." she looks over at me.

"What is?" i furrow my eyebrows.

"I dont get me either." she shrugs her shoulders amd blows out smoke.

I laugh while shaking my head and watch her for a moment. The moonlight shinning through the window rests on her face.

I can feel the alcohol warm my body and decide to relax myself. "Maybe i do, maybe i get you, Ivy." i comfortably lie staight to her face.

She raises her eyebrows and shifts her legs towards me so shes more engaged, "Oh, really? Do you?"

"I know its a hard thought to comprehend for you because its scary to think that someone might actually understand the mysteries of Ivy." i smirk.

"Actually, its not that scary." she states, "Mostly cause youre full of shit." she mumbles through a laugh. I guess she noticed her dress has shifted out of place from walking around so she wiggles it down to the correct spot, just so happening to bulge her boobs out. After that she flips her hair behind her shoulder and looks over to me. And yes, staring at her tits. I realize she sees me and my eyes shoot back up to her face while i take a deep breath.

Ivy smirks, "So youre a virgin, right?"

I scoff, "Why do you wanna know?" trying hide the redness in my cheeks.

"Chill Carl, its just a fucking question."

I sigh and roll my eyes, "Yes, Ivy." i pause, "Are y-"

"So like youve never done anything with a girl?" totally cutting me off, she leans back on the bed with her elbow while it supports her head.

"What are you trying to do?" i roll my eyes. She smirks and pushes herself off the bed and is suddenly right next to me.

"Ivy-" she cuts me off by barely brushing her bottom lip into mine. I hesitate for a second, a little caught off gaurd. But then engage in the kiss. I know its just a kiss but it feels so good to kiss her. Ive been thinking about it since the woods. My eyes shut and one hand slips around the side of her stomach, the other to her leg.

Continuing the kiss, she flips her leg to be on top of my lap. Things escalate before i can even think about whats going on. I start to move my hands all around her body, by now im pretty hard.

Wait, shes drunk. Is this wrong? I push back for a second and its almost like shes offended by it.

"Wait, Ivy, youre drunk. I dont think-"

she brings her hand to my crotch and starts to rub it as she whispers, "Carl, 1. Im not a virgin and dont think of sex as something meaningful and 2. Shut up and fuck me already."

(a/n)- O SHIT!! Lol i always end chapters when things are getting heated. Yayy next chapter is so lit! I hope you guys liked this one and if you did, comment and vote and i'll update quicker!!:)) thanks dudes!

P.S. anyone freaking the eff out about the mid season finale this sunday and no twd for 2 months??(': cause same

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