5 | a puzzle

353 16 9

word count- 713

carls POV

"Prove it."

Ivy whispered into my ear. My heart beat has increased dramaticly in the past two minutes. I stand there with lip quivering and my body shaking.

Ivy flashes her eyes at me, full of lust. I very slowly lean in to her, connecting our lips. They brush against each other than she kisses me. I kiss back. I think. Im not quite sure how to. She snakes her hands through my arms and around my torso, bringing me close to her. I grab the back of her neck, to deepen the kiss. She moves a hand to my inner legs, trailing a finger up my thigh, teasing me. My breath goes unsteady. Im not sure why im acting like this but i cant help it. My body enjoys it so much.

Suddenly she disconnects our lips stares at me. Noticing my breathing and shocked expression, she smirks. Her smile fades and she looks at me like im a puzzle, trying to fit the peices. After a few seconds she laughs, turns her back towards me and walks away.

"Dont forget your vodka." she mumbles, referring to the bottle i took with me sitting by the tree.

- - -

"Dude, you know when you wake up and have all of these bruises on you, and youre just like 'wait what' how did these get here?" i hear jay talking rather loudly across the room. Hes been going on about stupid shit for the past hour. Im sitting in his room on his bed, him on his floor. Playing some racing game and stuffing his mouth full of chips and slurping soda. I groan and slump down on his bed. My mind is like a cluttered closet. I cant think or find the right thoughts. Ive just been feeling a lot. Feeling confusion, fear, sadness, pain. All of those fun ones.

Jay hears my dramatic groan and pauses his game. He looks back at me and rests his arm on the end of the bed.

"Oh i get it." jay says smugly.

I really dont think he does

"Listen were super close friends, you dont have to worry, i wont let phoebe get inbetween us." i flash a confused look. He continues, "i know shes pretty dang hot i mean, those boobs-"

"Jay," i shout at him. "This is not about phoebe!"

He raises an eyebrow and makes a cocky face, "ok, carl, fine if you must know we are dating. Were just keepin it on the down low for a while, ya know."

Oh, right, wouldnt want the sixty something people in Alexandria finding out that two teens are dating.

I close my eye and take a deep breath.



"One- i dont like phoebe, two- i already knew you guys were dating, three- stop stuffing your face with doritos everytime you speak, its fucking disgusting."

Jay scoffs in disbelief, im guessing at about at least two of them. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head. He starts his video game again and gets lost in it.

I get up and walk out without him even noticing.

I like jay, i really do, hes a good guy. But hes not made for this world. Hes been living here from the start. He worrys about what he wears and getting a good education. He hasnt had to do the things ive done. And thats why were different. Thats what seperates me and my family from the rest of the group. Although weve been here for a while and the walls around us corrupt their minds day by day. Things could get bad. People will die. Things will get bad. But im prepared for it, physically and emotionally.

(a/n)- sorry smut lovers;)) but i have a plan for the story so stick around?? Thank you all!!


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