2 | dragons or something

468 23 3

word count- 773

carls POV

Sitting outside in the warm summer air, i begin to swing on the chair thing on the front porch. My mind is cluttered. Like every brain cell is working at full speed. No, not just because of the situation that happened a few minutes ago with the confusing girl. My mind is always like this. With the exception of spontaneous moments when my mind slows down and things seem a bit more clear. I cant exactly remember the last time that happened. Maybe 2 weeks ago. Everyone believes being in Alexandria makes the world normal. That there isnt death, chaos, danger, threats and all of that outside these walls.

I close my eye. It begins to get a little dry and sting. I stop the swing and stand up. I take a slow deep inhale and go back inside to the party. Immediatly my ears analyse loud laughter from tipsy adults in the kitchen. Guess im not going in there. I could go hang out with jay and the other teens. I only hang out with them because of their video games, but dont tell them i said that.

jay is fifteen. He really likes video games. Like a lot. I think i overheard him talking about him liking phoebe. Shes fourteen. She has mid-length dirty blond hair and green eyes. Shortish. Sweet. Laughs a lot. Likes books. Theres also ben. I think hes seventeen. He doesnt act like it though. Hes very funny. A good guy. He also has a boyfriend, luke. Hes fifteen. The age difference might seem a little wierd but once the dead came back to life, i think society's rules changed a bit.

I open the door to jays room. You can still hear the music from downstairs pretty well. Theyre all there. Ben and luke sitting on his bean bags and jay on the floor. He has quite a big room. I think its the master bedroom because its also where all the teens hang out.

Oh and also the confusing girl. Of course shes here.

"Hey carl!" jay says excitedly. The rest give smiles then return to what they were doing. Except confusing girl. She stands by the mini bookshelf searching for something to read, im assuming. Phoebe is standing next to her while talking fast and cheerfully to her about god knows what. She picks up a book, opens it skims through some pages then glances over at phoebe "oh wow, very cool." she says slightly raising a corner of her mouth and widening her eyes. Note the sarcasm. Phoebe did not catch on, she continues to talk enthusiastically.

I walk over to his bed to take a seat. Its a queen size. Jay is sitting at the end of his bed with his back against it, gripping the controller in his hands starring at the tv five feet away from him, mumbling 'awh come on'

I get a bit distracted with the game and sit with my legs crossed watching the video game jay plays. Theres a wizard, i think its jay. Hes fighting a fire dragon or something. He cast some spells and weakens the fire dragon.


I snap my head to the side and see confusing girl with her back against the headbord, one leg straight, one bent, and a cigarette in her mouth. She lights the cigarettes, inhales, and looks over at me. Most of the teens smoke just because sometimes daryl gets extra when scavenging and they take a pack. No one really minds, other than the teens who have parents, most dont. Like i said about the whole rules of society thing.

"What" i remark.

"Ivy, thats my name. I know you were wondering."

I was.

"No i wasnt."




"So youre not confused about me?"

I was. I was most certainly curious about the confusing girl. She tilted her head slightly and took another hit of her cigarette. I tried to find the right words to not make myself look like an idiot.

Before i get a chance to speak she exhales the smoke in my direction. Some of it coming in my nose. I cant help but to twitch my nose. Ive smoked once. But thats it, i dont find the point in cigarettes. She sees my reaction and lets out a small laugh, looks me up and down and walks away.

I shrug my shoulders when shes gone and watch the video game on the screen. I don't know who this girl is or why she blows smoke in my face for entertainment but i gotta say, she is interesting.

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