The Encounter

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The warm breeze hit me as I entered the grocery store. I was still getting used to my surroundings, I had only moved to California a week ago from B.C. I was doing a bit of shopping for my father, who was at work. My younger sister, Victoria, was at a party, like always. I continued to get everything my dad had asked me to pick up, bread, milk, eggs, you know, basic stuff. And then I went down the candy aisle. I know it sounds kiddish, but I had to get my gummy bears...they were my favourite snack. I looked all through the shelfs, until I saw the last bag of gummy bears available in the store. I reached out to grab them as another hand did the same. I yanked it towards myself as fast as I could, but the other person was stronger. I looked up to see who it was. It was a guy maybe a bit older then me...but that didn't matter right now...I need my gummies. He tugged at them in my hand with a slight grin and he grabbed them and starting walking back down the aisle, the same annoying, arrogant grin on his face. I charged at him and tackled him without hesitation. Don't judge me, I've told you once before, I need my gummies. He turned around as we fell to the floor. And I, was, well, I was on top of him. My face turned a bright red as I got up, dusted off my pants, snatched the gummy bears out of his surprised hands and walked away. I walked to the cash and payed for them and the rest of my things. I was heading out the store, and back home, when I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I turned around in panic, I didn't know anyone here. The only people I knew were my father and sister, and the only person who had actually cared to notice me other then them was the boy, from the gummy bear encounter. And sure enough, that's who it was. I turned back around and continued walking, completely ignoring his existence. He tapped me again, and I turned around, getting a good look at him for the first time. He looked perfect. Dark brown hair, light blue eyes, perfect set of abs, wait a minute, snap back to reality! He is the one who almost stole my gummy bears!!

"Can I help you," I ask in an innocent voice.

"Umm yeah. I want MY gummy bears," he practically growled at me.

"I got them, I payed for them, they're mine." I said before turning around and continuing to walk.

"You only got them because you tackled me," he said matter of factly.

"Maybe so, but I grabbed them first. I don't even know you!", I yelled.

"My name is Hunter. Now you know me. Give me gummy bears!," he demanded in a playful yet harsh way.

"No", I firmly said before pushing him into a mud puddle.

I ran home as fast as I could, I slight smile on my face. Me? Smiling? That's rare....

I ate the gummy bears with satisfaction and pride. Never had I been so ecstatic to eat a bag of gummy bears.


550 words

Hey guys its TheElementOfLight!! Hope u like this chapter! it gives a few hints, about who the two main characters are (Hunter and Selena) and gives a few hints about what situations Selena might face in the future. Please comment and vote ;)

The Bag Of Gummy BearsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz