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Gen pulls up to James house in Oakcliff. She gets out the car looking rough and evil as hell. As soon as she see James she smiles from ear to ear. She had also meet James while in foster care. He had been there through all the evil she had been through including her rape. She was devastated to leave him when she moved to Dallas. They always stayed in touch and when Tyree went to jail she had time to visit him untill he moved to Dallas.

Wassup G.G. (he call her that because he cant pronounce her real name.)
"Hey Babe!" She says kissing him. "Why you look like you just had a fight." He said fixing her hair.
"Man this nigga tried to kill me to day." She says looking at her fingers.
James knew whenever she did that she was serious.

"Who and where the fuck he at James" said angrily. "I killed his bitch ass you know im I fighting ass bitch." Ty said putting both of her hands on him. James looked at her licking his lips. It turned him on how gangsta she was acting. "Good cause if I would got a hold to his ass he would of been more than dead." James replied.
They both laughed.

"Babe we need to put our plan in motion." James said wrapping his arms around her waist. She smiled and turn around to look at him . "I already done started the mission." Shes says grabbing his hands pulling him towards the trunk of the car. She get the key and opens the trunk. James sees Tyesha and smiles.

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