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After hearing the discussion the others was having James quietly walked back to the alley where he had previously parked his car. James drove to the next block of houses and parked in an alley. He takes his phone off the aux card and dials Genesis number.

"Hay GG we got to changes plans up fast. They on to me." James explained letting out a sigh. "Got damn so what the fuck we going to do now?" Gen asked in a worried tone. "Don't worry about it baby, I'm gonna kill all they bitch ass tonight trust me on this one." He says hoping he was calming her down. Ima call you when I'm on my way home." "Okay" Gen replied and the two hung up. James drove back to the spot and found all three cars gone. He pulls off to park back in the alley.

Meanwhile why James is parked out back Tyrus is still in the house waiting on Tyree and Tim to get back. Tay and Killa went back to Tay's crib for the night. James notice a shadow in the kitchen window. He grabs his guns in put bullets in each one of them, he got out the car and slowly walked towards the back door.

BOOM! BOOM! James kicks down the door and runs in the house full speed. Before he could get up the stairs Tyrus was walking down the stairs. James shoots Tyrus three times in the chest and twice in the head. James walks slowly back to his car and pulls off to the next block. James has no idea that he is also being watched. Man-Man had not only been watching but he also been listing from the beginning with the video surveillance he put up after he ran for them at Tyesha house. That moment forward Man-Man knew his problem was not with Tyree but with James

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