Chapter 23: Closure

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I press the red symbol and turn my phone around to him.

"I have."

Luke's POV:

Police and paramedics run over to
us. Sophie's dad stands up quickly and starts to run off, the police close behind. I run to Sophie and lift her head slowly, I place it on my thigh. I lean down and place a kiss on her temple. The paramedics crouch down beside us, lifting her wrist in two fingers they feel her pulse.

"What's your name son?"

"Luke...Luke Hemmings."

"What's your girlfriend, here's name?"

"Sophie Sugg...but she's not my girlfriend. She's just a friend."

"Ok, do you think you can carry her to the ambulance with us?"

"Yeah, course."

"Thanks Luke."

They hold her head so I can get onto my knees. I put one arm under her torso while the other is under her knees. Her head resting on my shoulder. I slowly stand up and help the paramedics lay her on the stretcher.

"Thanks better get going if you're going to make it school on time. You may be able to check on Sophie at the hospital later on after school. But for now the best thing for you is to get an education, we'll look after her."

I nod and jog towards Penny's house but she walks outside to me before I get there. I collect her phone from the road and hand it to her before taking her hand softly in mine.

"Let's go to school babe...and not bring this up. That reminds me. Can we sit by ourselves today? There's a lot that we need to talk about...not in a bad way. I really like's just you've changed and I'm not a fan of these changes."

"Ok? Why don't we skip school and talk about it?"

"My mum is a teacher...if I skip school she'll find out and I'll get in loads of trouble. You know what she's like."

"Oh...right. Sorry."

"It's fine...lets just talk at lunch."


The bell rings and I quickly pack up my things. I make my way to Penny's classroom to meet with her, she grabs my hand and starts to lead us towards the cafeteria but I stop her.

"We need to talk remember...follow me."

"But Luke...can't it wait now."

"I have to say it now or I'm not going to say it at all. And if I don't say what I have to say then...I don't think I can do this anymore."

"Fine. If you're going to break up with me...just do it."

"I don't want to...but we can't carry on like this. If you don't want to do this in private, fine. I'm going to say what I need to say right now anyway."

"Go ahead."

I could see her friends waving at us in the corner of my eye.

"Ok...Penny. Here's what I need to say...I didn't want to be this cold about it but... I don't get along with your friends, I hate that you act like a b¡tch whenever your sister is around. When I started dating you, I met a nice, kind, beautiful girl who cared so much about everyone's you're so cold to everyone all of the time. I miss how we used to be...I miss our long walks where we just cuddled and made small talk. Now we just stay in your room or hang out with YOUR friends. If this is who you are now then've changed and I'm not happy with it. I'm not happy in this relationship anymore, I'm sick of trying to get used to the new you...spending everyday dreaming of when and if we will ever go back. So this really you?"

"This has always been me, Luke."

"It hasn't...but if that's how you really feel...this isn't me. We need to split up."

"Ok. Goodbye Luke. Don't come running back with a broken heart later."

She storms off to her friends, I look around and see Mike and Cal. I start walking towards them, but this mornings' memories flash through my mind and I turn around and jog towards the oval. I hear the bell ring but I keep doing laps, it's not enough. I run out of the school and towards the hospital. Sophie was the person that influenced me to tell Penny the truth so I need to see her. My phone rings as I get to the hospital door. It's mum...I press ignore and walk inside. I see the same paramedic as earlier, he walks over to me.

"Hey son, why aren't you at school?"

"I...I couldn't stay there...I ran away. Sophie ok?"

"She isn't awake just yet...but I can take you in to see her. I'm not supposed to but you may have saved her life so you seem like the closest to family for her right now."

"Ok...thank you."

"Follow me."

I quickly follow the paramedic through the corridor until he stops in front of a door.

"This is Sophie's room. I will explain the situation to the front desk, just for in case a nurse comes in to check on her."

"Ok...thanks again."

"It's alright son."

He walks out and I walk in to her room, I see a big chair next to the bed. I make my way over to it and sit down. I slowly take Sophie's hand in mine and rub my thumb in circles on the back of her hand. I know I shouldn't be here, I know that I should've told Mike but I just couldn't. I need closure after what I just seen and did and I'm hoping to get that from Sophie.

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