Chapter 60: Croissants and Coffee

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Author's Note:
So I decided to give you all a Christmas present, since I haven't updated in like 3 weeks. So merry Christmas guys, I hope you enjoy this extra and last chapter of part 2 and the year. I'll upload the epilogue and prologue shortly and then start part 3 after New Years.

Michael's POV:

I wake up snuggled up to Sophie on the tour bus bunk. I pull the curtain and call out to Ash to find out where we are. As soon as 'Paris' leaves Ash's lips, Soph wakes up as if it were a wake up call.

"We're in Paris! We have to go exploring, this is like my dream place to live."

"I know, we'll go out later."

She scrambles over me and out of the bunk to go to the bathroom and get ready.

"We can't go anywhere until the bus is parked up at the venue, so don't rush too much, babe!"

"Shut up and get dressed!"

I can't help but laugh a little at her rush to go out exploring. I know how much she'd love to live here. But if I was to move out of Australia it would have to be to LA since our management and everything is there. I should realistically be living there instead of Australia, but I'll be trying to stay wherever my love is. Especially after what I have planned for tonight. We go on a two week break from your after tonight's show also. I've got the whole time planned out.

"Michael! Hurry up!"

"Yep, I'm getting ready."

I get dressed quickly and do my hair. I'm ready before she even gets out of the bathroom.

"I'm ready, babe. Are you?"

"Almost, don't sass me, Clifford!"

A few moments later she comes out and we go around Paris sight seeing. We go out and get croissants and coffee for breakfast at a cute little cafe.


I stuff up a number of times during the set. I'm so nervous for Sophie's surprise. The boys understand because they know about the surprise; they helped plan it. As soon as the show is over I rush to the bathroom. I don't
have time to dawdle tonight, we have somewhere to be really soon. As soon as I'm clean and dressed, I fix my hair a bit to look respectable and find Sophie. I grab her hand and pull her with me towards the exit.

"Come on, we have a reservation."


"We have somewhere we have to be. The show went longer than it was supposed to and we cannot be late for this."

"Why is it so urgent?"

I pull her towards a waiting car, I see the boys are getting into a similar car near ours as I pull her into the car.

"You're ready to have a husband, right?"

"Michael! We aren't getting married tonight...right?"

"You'll have to wait and see."

"Oh my God, Michael. You know I wanted something traditional."

"The tux and white dress are there."

"But our families won't be."

"Who says they're not?"

"You set all this up by yourself?"

"For you, but not by myself. The boys and my parents helped me."

The car stops and I push the door open, still holding my loves' hand. I pull her with me into the beautiful French chapel. Phoebe takes her other hand and pulls her away from me and into a room to do her hair and get her ready. I go into another room with the boys to get ready also. Half an hour or so later the boys tell me it's time and send me to the alter to wait for my bride-to-be. A few long minutes later the familiar wedding tune starts to echo through the mostly empty chapel. I look straight towards the door to see the love of my life looking as beautiful as ever. As the music continues, she starts walking towards me. Her arm linked with her mother's, I'm glad she agreed to letting her mother walk her down the aisle, even after everything they've been through. Reality hits me as she steps up onto the alter with me, I take her hand softly and she walks over to the celebrant with me. She's so beautiful, it's hard to believe she's officially going to be mine forever as of tonight. We go through the normal marriage service until we are asked for our vows. I had made prior arrangements to write my own in the form of a song. Calum, my best man, brings over our old, untuned acoustic guitar. I take it from him and start to strum a quiet tune and sing the song I wrote for her. By the end of the song I can see tears in her eyes, it takes everything in me not to cry myself. I give the guitar back to Calum and take Sophie's shaking hands again.

"I didn't write vows, but let's see what I can do..."

She makes up some vows on the spot, they bring me to tears. Even though I know its last minute, but they sound so rehearsed and thoughtful; so can tell they come straight from her heart. I feel the happiest I ever have when the priest says:
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Michael, you may now kiss your bride."

I pull her close and give her a quick yet passionate kiss, sealing the deal; she's now stuck with me for life. We hold hands again as I lead her out of the chapel and back to the car. We get dropped off at the Eiffel Tower; it's lit up all different colours and it looks beautiful, but not as beautiful.

"It's so pretty!"

"Yeah, but not as pretty as you."

I decided a while ago that we wouldn't have a proper service after the wedding. I just wanted to show her, her favourite city at night. I pull her close to me once again and give her a really passionate kiss.

"I love you, Mrs. Clifford."

"I love you more, Mr. Clifford."

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