Chapter Four

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"So how did you manage this?" she asked about her separate room. Malik crossed over to dump her overnight bag on the bed. Most people assume today once you were in a relationship you were sleeping together.

"I refused to sleep with you until we are married," he stated.

Amused Helena crossed her arms. "And I am not?"

He crossed back to come to her side. "Can't keep your hands off me," he smiled. She wished that was true.

"Oh be still my beating heart," she smirked.

He reached up to caress her cheek. "You are such a flirt. No, not really told them you had women issues and I refuse to sleep with you when so difficult." Her mouth dropped open in shock.

"You didn't! Malik! Not only are you suggesting that we sleep together I'm also bitchy. Great, just great," she huffed. "For your information, I'm fine at that time of the month," she sniffed indignantly. He arched a brow.

"No you're not, you're cranky," he corrected. Her lips parted to close and eyed him closely. "Regular as clockwork." Heat burned her cheeks, turning away to think over those times to realise he wasn't around as much.

"Sorry," she murmured, then turned back to him. "Why didn't you say something?" She hadn't realised.

Dark eyes crinkled at her. "You weren't that bad, just not very talkative and snapped one syllable answers, usually only for one day, so put up with it."

She arched a brow. "And all those longer lunch hours every month?" He nodded. "Here I was thinking you had a secret lover tucked away." Pressing his fingers against his lips, he eyed her closely. "What? I know that look, Malik. What are you thinking?"

He dropped his hand away. "How more outspoken you are."

"Oh, sorry." Take note to myself and keep my thoughts to myself.

"Don't be, I like it. You have a sense of humour. Make yourself at home, change into bathers and a dress. We'd be downstairs outside by the pool, entrance through the living room."

"I'm surprised you want me to join you, since I'm such a cranky pants," she noted dryly.

"Habibti, I said I didn't want to share you bed, not our time together."

"Just one question, baby." His brow rose at that. "Would you say that to anyone else?"

He laughed. "No, and please for heaven's sake don't call me baby." She smiled, walking away towards the bed, where her bag was and saw to the unpacking.

"Oh, baby would you go to the chemist for me?" she teased to have the door closed behind his departure. That would teach him. Really, that was the best he could come up with. Her periods and been a cranky pants?

Taking her time, she laid out her clothes on the bed, brushing out some creases and removed her one piece and wrap around skirt of pastels swirls and eventually wander downstairs through the lounge room outside, finding their hosts sitting around a table talking and Malik in the pool doing laps.

Smiling at the other couple, she crossed towards the pool and sat down easing her legs into the water, clasping the edge with her hands. She watched Malik swim, not sure what else to do. They were his friends. Ones she had never met before that was a good thing. How embarrassing would've that had been, if they had. She could see it now, the raised brows. You're dating the secretary. This was madness and was never going to work.

They were his best friends. Too personal. She didn't know enough of Malik's personal life to be dating him or even be engaged to him. Then sudden he was there, surfacing out of the water by his arms on the edge of the pool, taking her breath away looking magnificent. And who cared, she thought as his head turned to her, holding her breath, eyes meshing in a heart stopping moment, where it seemed the world had stopped and there was only the two of them.

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