Chapter Thirteen

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Saying goodbye to his family was harder than she had thought possible. She had gotten attached to his mother and still felt guilty about lying to her, then she looked at Malik at her side and she warmed all over at the memories of just leaving his bed after being thoroughly loved by this man. Surely that must mean something? His siblings had left earlier back to their in-divisional homes. His father, she was still wary of, though he hugged her tightly then was rushed off by Malik, driven away to the airport where their plane was waiting.

Her whole body sighed in relief as she sunk into a seat. They were finally going home. Hopefully back to normal as one could with her new life. Malik joined her on the sofa where he belted her up, then settled in at her side, placing an arm around her and guided her against him. "I saw that," he noted with a growl.

Happily, she snuggled against him. "You must admit it's a relief to go home. It was very tense, the whole thing."

He threaded a hand through her hair as the plane taxi away. "What are you saying about my family?" he dared. She eyed him closely. He had to be kidding.

"Really? You're saying that to me, after what they had put me through."

"You know, my Helena," he caressed the side of her face, his eyes warm and caressing. "You did put me through the hoops."

"Huh," she scoffed, though snuggled against him as they took off and lifted off into the skies, heading back towards London. She was surprised Malik made no move to leave her or see to any work. Instead, he undid the belts, and laid them across the full length of the sofa, just holding her in his arms. She melted against him. Usually they were hitting the laptop or papers. Coffee and pastries were served that they shared, sitting up more, Helena leaned back against his shoulder, both wearing loose, comfortable clothing, yet some things still niggled at her, placing down her cup on a table and ran fingers along his arm around her waist.


"Hmm?" came lazily.

She chewed on her bottom lip; tucking hair behind her ear, then tilted her head back further, facing him. "Don't get upset with me."

His dark brows pulled down together. "How so?" he asked cagily, watching her closely.

"When we get back home..."

Silence fell around them. "Where is home, Helena?"

She twisted towards him in surprise, his hand resting on her hip. "London, of course." His tense body relaxed and relief flashed through his dark eyes.

"Go on," he encouraged.

"I still can work at your side? I rather do that than let you hire someone else, as your wife, of course."

His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed hard. "You still want to do that?" he asked surprised.

"Working at your side? A given. What else am I going to do?"

He smiled, eyes twinkling. "Be my wife," he offered.

"Doing what? What do you want me to do?"

"Everything you are doing now," he kissed her cheek. "You have done an amazing job, since London. I cannot ask more of you."

She beamed. "Really?"

"Yes, really, you are perfect as you are."

She sighed. "No-one is perfect Malik, we all have faults," she said softly.

"Haven't found one yet."

"How can you say that," she gasped, her hand spread across his chest. "Don't make me out more than I am. I was rather opinionated towards your father," she pointed out.

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