Chapter Fourteen

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"What, sis is married!" Kevin leaped to his feet. "She can't be. There was no wedding!" He yelled.

"Kevin, leave us," his father ordered. Helena looked at her brother, pleadingly. Grumbling, he left.

"There is more cake in the fridge," she called after his departing back. More grumbling, she leaped to her feet and went after him, leaving the men glaring at each other. She caught up with him in the hallway. "Please Kevin don't be so cross. I'd talk to you later. Promise."

He turned to her with sad eyes. "Three years without seeing you, was hard on everyone Helena. Now you come home married to your boss and probably leave us for good, yes, you can say that's a bit of a shock. Don't you?" He challenged.

She hadn't thought about it that way and nodded. "I'm sorry. I need to go back before there is bloodshed," she reached for him and squeezed his arm, holding his gaze. "You and I would have a long talk after I get this sorted, okay." He nodded. She hugged him and went back into the lounge room, coming across deafening silence and air so tense it was crackling. Not good, not at all.

Helena crossed over to her husband, placing a hand on his arm, feeling him stiffen. Dark, intense eyes rested on her. He slipped off the chair and edged her away and talked quietly. "They didn't know," she whispered. "What was the point when it was only temporary? It was only meant to be a marriage on paper that was going to be dissolved later."

Releasing a long breath, Malik threaded a hand through her hair, placing a kiss on her forehead. "I'm sorry, I had no right to do that to you," he said softly.

"I wanted to," she whispered. "It was wrong of your father, forcing your hand like that." She realised she had to let him go. He had a right to find a woman he loved, and it wasn't her. He was kind, caring, and thought he was protecting her. It wasn't real. No matter how much she wanted it to be. Releasing him, she went back and took her seat, looking at her father, who was watching them both closely, mouth pinched. His expression harsh, displaying how upset, he was over this. Malik stood beside her chair, hand clasping the top of it.

"Yes, it is Malik's ring and we are married, but in name only." She heard a sharp intake of breath behind her, but she had no choice. "It's not forever, that is why I didn't tell you. A contract, money was sent to you, and I pretended to be his wife, that is all."

Her father's eyes filled with pain, fingers digging into the arm of the chair, looking ready to leap out of the chair and throttle someone, not her, Malik, but glared at her again. "So you sold yourself for money!" He spat with disgust.

"No!" Malik snarled. "Helena asked for nothing, not a cent, just her normal wages."

"Then how come it jumped up to two thousand?" Jason snarled, eyes narrowing with mistrust.

Helena gasped and swung around staring at Malik in disbelief. "You didn't?"

He shrugged, as if nothing. "I did promise to look after your family."

"We don't want your charity," her father snapped.

"No, just send your daughter out to swim with sharks in a strange country!" Malik snarled back, hand clenching at his side. Desperately Helena glanced from one to the other and had to stop this before it went too far. She shot to her feet and turned towards Malik

"Malik," Helena said softly, once more going to him, this time leading him out of the room. "It was my choice. I chose to do that. Dad didn't want me to go. I had to and was happy to do so. I met you," she smiled. "Although I wish, you had told me what you had done about my wages. He is a proud man, and wouldn't want your money."

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