Chapter Twelve

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Taking a deep breath, bouquet in hands, the doors opened and Helena stepped out, dressed in white, and walking down the grand hall that had been turned into a wedding aisle with chairs on both sides, all covered in white with white sashes tied at the back of the chairs. She walked a long Persian carpet right up to Malik, who was waiting, looking so dashing, dressed in his Royal attire.

All her focus was on one man as she walked towards him, one step at a time. This probably was the only wedding, she would really have, and to the only man she would ever want to marry. She knew this wasn't real, but for a little while she could dream. Stopping at his side, she took his offered hand, and was led up steps, where a man was waiting, and the ceremony began.

Within days it had been prepared. A rush of designers, making the perfect wedding dress, with an army of staff, seeing to the rest, and now she was marrying Malik in front of members of his family, visiting diplomats, other royal families, and everyone else they wanted there. No one from London or Australia.

Malik clasped her hand tightly, giving her the strength to see it through. The ceremony, said in both Arabic and English as words were exchanged, rings added, and then paraded around the gathering. Finally rushed off to a grand feast, where she sat next to Malik, with the head family, facing long tables on both sides. Speeches were made. Like any other wedding, yet it didn't seem real to her. As if she was looking in, and had no part of it, because to be truthful, it wasn't real.

Time to stop kidding herself. She just wanted it to be over. The food tasted bland in her mouth. It was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, yet felt she was being bogged down. She couldn't fault Malik. He was very attentive, and saw to all her needs, but it really didn't mean anything to him, did it. Most of the lead up, he had been distant again. Both now trapped in a marriage with no real love, well, from his side, not hers.

Malik kept glancing her way all through the event. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, except for the bride, who just smiled and nodded but said very little. Malik leaned closer, placing an arm along the back of her chair. "Are you alright?" he asked with concern.

"Yes, it's just all happened so fast, and still wondering, if this was real."

"It is, and would be over soon, and then we can leave, and go back to our suite. I have arranged us to head back to London tomorrow."

"Really?" she asked with relief. He nodded. "Good, then we can get back to normal," she sighed.

"What is normal for us?" he asked warily. She stared into his charcoal-grey eyes.

Good question. "Something we would have to find out, I guess. At least we won't be under the microscope."

"Ah, you forgot about Esma," he pointed out.

"We can tell her the truth."

He shook his head. "No, Helena, I don't want that. To the world we are married and shall stay that way," he told her, and then went back to the festivities of the night. The one thing she did enjoy was being back in his arms as they danced. She always lost herself in his arms as they swirled across the dance floor. It was just the two of them, falling into his eyes, as they waltz  to a full live orchestra. There had been nothing like it, having live music that filled the room that had been cleared of the tables, and everyone just mingling. Then they were leaving, after saying goodbye to his parents, and went to his room.

"Go in, I won't be long. I need to see to a few things."

Nodding, she entered his suite, and gasped at the entrance filled with flowers. Lots and lots of roses, carnations, and wild desert flowers. She crossed over and breathed in their fragrance. She removed a card and her heart sunk as she read the card. Not from Malik, but his mother, wishing her all the happiness in the world, bringing tears to her eyes.

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