Chapter Eleven

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Once the spa was filled with water, oil and bubble bath added, Malik went and informed Helena her bath was ready, who was already stripped down, wearing a super sized, super lush white bathrobe. He did notice she wasn't walking as freely, quite stiff, so went over placing an arm around her and walked her into the bathroom.

He took her hand as she walked up the steps that led towards the spa then helped her out of the robe that fell onto the floor, under a lot of protesting as he helped her into the bath and sunk down into the bubbles, covering her naked curves that he had enjoyed, if only a back view. Her back still towards him as he sat down on the edge, reaching for a bath sponge, and started washing her back. Crossing her arms over her breasts, she looked over her shoulder, startled.

"Malik," she gasped, shocked.

"You're a little grub and believe me; you would struggle cleaning your back with that shoulder. It might not be broken, but it could be pulled or wrenched, muscle strain and sore, so straining it won't help. Stop fussing Helena, after all we are married," he stated. Water was splashed at him. Laughing, he placed his hand on her shoulder, and guided her closer, her back still facing him. He squeezed the sponge over her head, water running over her face. "Down you go." She sunk under further, emerging pushing back hair from her face then held out her hand.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"I would do my own front. There would be no straining."

"Only of my eyes," he chuckled. She turned around and pressed against the edge, running eyes over him in his dirt smudge dark pants and once white shirt that was even torn.

"You do need a bath also," she pointed out, feeling so much safer and warm, which wasn't from the spa. The oil and bubbles felt so good against her skin. Sighing, she rested her chin on crossed arms. "Will he forgive me?"

"Who, beloved?" Malik asked, dropping the sponge into the water that bobbed up and down in the bubbling and stirring water from the jets.

"Your father. I ruined his dinner ball."

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. "Will you stop worrying about other people for once. You were lucky you didn't break anything or worse. No more." His eyes opened when she touched his hand on the edge of the spa.

"My fault. I panicked, raced off without asking for direction or an escort. This place is a maze."

"The old mingling with the new. That is now totally boarded up, so that would never happen again."

"Your father?" she pushed.

"The dinner went ahead without a hitch," he saw her relief, "at my insistence," he added, not wanting his father looking bad in her eyes. They might be at loggerheads over this, but he loved his father, who had been very distressed by it all. He had been told how his father had given her a shoulder to lean on when he had slipped. He was a good man, a fantastic father, but he did have a country to think about. Maybe it was time to accept his fate as a prince. His life was changing, and his principles, as he glanced upon the beauty before him in sight and heart. Such an innocent and he had used her innocence against her. "I release you from the wedding Helena," he said softly, heart in his throat. Her eyes lowered, and pushed back slightly, lowering further into the water that covered her up to the neck.

"I understand," she said softly.

He frowned, not liking the sound of her tone. "I don't think so, it's not you. I'm the one in the wrong. I put your life in danger." Softened caressing eyes lifted to him, relaying her feeling as she went back covering his hand with her own, once more back at the edge, still so well covered. He preferred she wasn't so well covered.

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