The Reapings: District 1

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I pace quickly to the Justice Building, being very careful not to ruin my hair. It took hours just to prep, and I was prepared to look my best once I volunteer for the 100th Hunger Games. I was really pretty excited when President Ivy announced the rules for the Quarter Quells.

I mean, winning the normal Hunger Games would be an honor, but winning the Quarter Quells, now were talking!

For the past few weeks, I have been training really hard to prepare for the Quells. Ever since I was a child, I trained with a whip, and I can say that I've mastered the weapon. I haven't got the chance to volunteer for the past Games because someone else was quicker to do so, but this year I feel very confident.

Next year will be my last reapings, so I don't want to risk the chance of not entering the Games. My parents have been pretty hard on me for not making it in the Games the past few years; however, I plan to change that.

"Hey Precious, excited for today?"

Without looking back to see who had asked the question, I smile in agreement.

I continue to walk until I see a bunch of well-dressed kids lining up.

Upon reaching the Justice Building, I sign in on the 17 year old line for females. The line is very long. As I wait, I take out my mirror, checking my reflection, and evening out my makeup.

I study my blonde hair looking for any mess. Nope. I stare at myself in the mirror confidently, and after making sure everything looks perfect, I close my mirror shut.

"Next," the lady exclaims, so I place my hand right in front of her. She takes a dab of my blood and flips my hand.

"Nice nail polish," she compliments.


"Let me tell you, you'll need more than just pink nails to get out of the Games alive," she teases.

I fake a smile at her. Well then.

I walk to the girls the same age as me.

While the others chat about their so-called strategy in the games, I fix my pink dress. Don't want to look all messed up in front of the whole Capitol.

We wait for a few minutes, and finally, our district escort appears on stage. I ignore her as she talks about herself. Lets start already.

"Greetings, District 1, before we begin, let us remind you why we have the Games in the first place." The same footage they show every year plays, along with the Capitol anthem.

As the footage plays, our district escort stares proudly at all of us.

When the video ends, I start to tense up. What if someone else volunteers quicker than I do? Relax.

"Since this year is the 100th anniversary of the Hunger Games, we will be having the Quarter Quells. The same rules apply. 26 tributes from all the districts battle it out in the arena, and this year, we will be having 10 victors. What happens after the Quells is left unknown. So, shall we begin?"

Every one of us cheer, and our escort does the same.

"Well then, Ladys first."

Before she takes a step to get to the glass bowl, I jump out of the group. Some peacekeepers found it as a threat, aiming their guns at me, but before they can fire, I shouted.

"I volunteer, I volunteer as tribute!" Yes, I finally did it. The first one to volunteer.

I wait excitedly for our escort to reply. She smiles at me, and orders two peacekeepers to send me up stage. I ignore the other kids as they throw mean looks at me. Some of them must have been their last year, and I stole their chance of entering the Games, most especially, the Quarter Quells. Don't worry, I'll make our district proud.

I climb up stage, attempting to look strong and confident in front of the cameras.

"So dear, what is your name?"

I stare confidently right into the lenses of the camera, "Precious!"

"Well, congratulations Precious, please take a seat as we announce your district partner."

I sit down waiting as the male tribute is announced.

Right before our escort places her hand in the second bowl, another person yells out "I volunteer!"

I search the the crowds of people, looking for the source of that voice. Suddenly, a boy steps out of the 17 year old line, the same age as me.

His face is all that represents handsome, seeing every contour line on his face. His black hair is cut short, making him look more of a man. His body is lean, not too big, but more of an athletic shape to it. He's dressed in such formal clothes, black tux, white tie, and some beige shoes.

As he walks up stage, he holds our escorts' hand, and suddenly, places a kiss.

What a kiss up, probably planning to attract some sponsors. Our escort blushes and guides him to the middle of the stage.

"A gentleman, so, what is your name?"

The boy, or should I say man, takes the mic...

"My name is Graff, proudly representing our lovely, District 1!"

"Very well, everyone please welcome the District 1 tributes, Precious and Graff!"

Half of the people cheer for us. I notice some relieved faces in the crowd, knowing some of us in District 1 are afraid to be chosen for the Games.

Attempting to get off my seat, Graff suddenly walks towards me offering his hand. Without disagreeing, I hold his hand, pulling myself up. We both walk to the front of the stage, and unexpectedly, he forces my hands up in the air with his. He cheers proudly in front of our district. I am pretty sure some Capitol citizens have already betted on him.

He's not that bad.

Our escort signals us to enter the Justice Building, so we follow her in. The last thing I hear is the door closing behind me.

NEXT CHAPTER: The Reapings: District 2

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