Chapter 5

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I released a sigh of relief. My first interview didn't go as planned and I needed to calm down before talking to Killer Croc. I sat down, once again, in my chair and read over Waylon's file one more time. I already knew all of this. He told me when I first met him. I doubted he would remember me...

I heard stomping on the ground and growling from outside of my door. I quickly hid my nervous state with a completely emotionless face. He walked in, with six guards all around him and a large collar around his throat. He sat down and faced me. His yellow eyes grew, but my face has not changed. ''You may leave us.'' ''I prefer not to doc. This monster will kill you'' I replied ''I can assure you, I'll be fine. Now leave!''

''Patient interview 1. Patients name is Waylon Jones, Aka Killer Croc. Hello Waylon, my name is Dr. Azalea Nashton.''

He laughed loudly as I looked at him with a blank expression. When he finally calmed down he said ''Wow. 3 years and you turn on me! Becoming one of...them.''

''I can assure you I am no treat. I'm here to help.'' 

''You got a cure for me then, Doc? Can you make me...normal?''

''Normal is a poor choice of words. No one is really normal, are they?''

''Figured as much. So how about this, Doc? You let me go now, and I won't eat you.''

''You won't eat me. We both know this.''

''You think? Keep believing that, Doc!'' he said with a laugh not to far behind.

I turned off the recorder and took a deep sigh. I looked him straight in the eyes and said ''Please Waylon. The tape is off. This is just you and me. And before you say anything else, I just want to say I've missed you. I don't want you to hate me because I'm working here for the asylum. You're not a monster. That day in the sewer, you could have killed me. But you didn't. I'm here to help you, I promise. Not as a doctor, but as a friend.''

He looked shocked, but before he could respond I continued ''How about I visit you in your cell? I'll bring your food and I'll stay down for a while? Please? Can we try to be friends, outside of the office?''

And he gave me a toothy grin before nodding. 

I had him back. 

The guards came to take him away, but he didn't protest. I saw him walk away and I smiled happily. I went to talk to Mr. Cash and asked him if I can take over Croc's feeding. He looked at me in shock, but didn't deny. I later took down his meal, having trouble not getting water in my heels. He showed up and we talked.  

I finally had him back. My Killer. My Croc.

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