Avengers x Reader (Ice Fishing??)

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Prompt: The avengers want to know more about you and join you in something you love

Warnings: Steve falls in ice...

Requested By: No one


"Are you guys sure you want to join me?" You question as they struggle to get ready.

"You're the newest Avenger, we know barely anything about you." Tony grunts.

"So we're going to see what you do for fun." Clint finishes, he was the only one who was actually able to help you with this. He was actually capable to do this, seeing that he was from a farm and all.

"You know how this works." You turn to him. "So, try and tell them that it's not fun." You order through gritted teeth.

"Guys! We're leaving in five!" Clint smirks at you as he goes back to Tony's car, making sure that they have everything. You huff and follow him, hopping into the drivers seat.

"Why do you get to drive?" Tony whines, you shoot him a glare and he shuts up.

Later At The Lake

"Avoid that area." You warn while gesturing to the small open spot at the far end of the lake.

"Got it." Tony nods.

"Steve and Thor, you two are in charge of getting the holes drilled." You announce while kneeling on the ice. "It looks about nine inches."

"How do you know?" Natasha demands, you shrug.

"Just a gift I guess." You smile and hand Steve and Thor the 'driller' as you call it, not wanting to use it's proper name.

"How do we use this contraption?" Thor demands.

"I KNOW!" Steve cheers, you chuckle and continue to help Clint unload things from the baskets and bags that you guys had brought.

"I HAVE DONE IT!" Thor announces, you look up to see him pushing the driller down and cracking the ice.

"Oh no." You mutter and tap Clint's arm, he looks up and starts throwing things back into the bags as fast as he can. You join in and grab them all in your arms, both Clint and yourself rush to get back on shore. Poor Steve, didn't see any of this coming. Thor, Natasha, and Steve fall through the ice in front of your very eyes. YOu look around for Tony and Bruce, only to notice them gone.

"Clint?!" You call while turning in full circles.

"Oh no." He mumbles. 

"GUYS?!?!?" You hear Tony scream.

"THE GENIUS GOT US LOST IN THE WOODS!!" Bruce yells, his voice changing lower and angrier. 

"I told you this was a bad idea." You hiss at Clint, who continues to laugh. You turn your gaze back to the three water dwellers, Natasha is up on the ice trying to make her way to Clint and yourself. Thor is laughing and splashing in the water, Steve is flipping out over the water being so cold. 

"We have to get him out of there." You tell Clint, he sighs but nods. "I am never taking you people with me anywhere again."

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