Chapter Three: The Truth

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Hannah quickly thought of all of her knowledge of the Doctor. "I'm the Doctor, I told you."

"Yes, but doctor what?"

Hannah stopped and furrowed her brows. "Do you want the truth?"

"That would be recommended."

Hannah took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm the Doctor. I'm a Time Lord, the last of them. I fought in the last great time war. I've seen universes being created and I've seen them destroyed. I've been anywhere and everywhere in time and space. And those things after you... they're called Autons, and I'm afraid we haven't seen the last of them."

Ingrid stopped dead in her tracks and gave Hannah a once-over. "You're mad. You're bloody mad. I'm going home." She said, starting to run off in the direction of her building.

"Quite right. I've got to stop the Autons. You just flit on home. I'll risk my life for your kind, then I'll leave." Hannah walked around the corner, clutching her Sonic. Suddenly realizing that if she didn't act just like the Doctor, Ingrid might...she couldn't even bring herself to think of it.

Footsteps raced closer to Hannah and suddenly Ingrid's voice was heard. "Why? You're not like me. Why would you save me?"

"I didn't say you, I said your kind." She didn't stop.

"I know what you meant. Why?"

Hannah slowed her stride and eventually stopped walking, turning toward Ingrid. Surely she couldn't tell her the real reason. "Because it's the right thing to do." She said matter-of-factly before turning on her heel and continuing on her way.

Mind made up, Ingrid raced after her. "I'm coming with you, then."

Hannah's heart sank a bit in her chest. Curse Ingrid's can-do attitude. "It'll be dangerous."

"You're doing it, aren't you?"

Fair enough. "You aren't afraid?"

"Are you?"

Turning to look at her, Hannah grinned dangerously. "I'm always afraid. But being afraid is part of the fun, I think."

Taking this in, Ingrid nodded. "Then I'm coming with you."

"Well, then, Ingrid Nilsen..." Hannah offered Ingrid her hand. "Allons-y."

Ingrid grinned as Hannah pulled her along down the street.

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