Chapter Six: Asylum of the Grester

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(( Hello! Tay here :) I realize that this isn't where the Doctor meets the Pond's, but series seven is my absolute favorite, what with the writing and everything. So here we go! GeronimoOoOoOoOoOo!! ))

Grace sighed as she laid eyes on her divorce attorney. "Excuse me, ma'am, your husband is here."

She rolled her eyes and huffed, telling the photographer from her photo shoot to take five. "I don't have a husband." She shot back, angrily storming toward the dressing room.

"Well, apparently you still do."

Grace stalked into the room with a huff and Chester looked up at her in a mirror, holding a file folder full of papers up. "You have to sign these." He said, turning to her.

"And, just like that, we're not married anymore?"

"Like magic."

Grace took the papers as Chester hurried out of the room. "Chester-!" She called after him, though she wasn't quite sure why.

Grace's photography assistant came in then, a slight frown on her face. "Sorry, was I interrupting?"

"No." Grace said flatly, unable to help the glance toward the door. It was finished. She and Chester weren't married anymore.

"Look at you, you look absolutely sick, you've gone pale! Let's sit you down." The woman said, the bulbs on the dressing mirror flickering a bit. Grace's eyes flickered to them momentarily, ultimately paying them no mind.

Though, as soon as she sat down, the woman's neck made a sickening crack and, when Grace turned around, the woman had a light growing out of her forehead. But not just any light; Grace had seen that sort of light before.

A robotic voice filled the room as the lights grew quite bright. "Grace Helbig is acquired!" The light blew with a pop and a sizzle as Grace and the woman disappeared from the room.

Just outside the studio, Chester climbed onto the 9:30 bus, not quite realizing that he was the only one on...or that the driver seemed to be staring at him.

Just as before, his neck cracked and, when Chester finally looked up at him in the mirror, the driver had the same light coming from his forehead. The bus flooded with light as the robotic voice returned. "Chester See is acquired!" Then, Chester's world went black.

When Chester woke, he jolted upright and found himself on the ground of an all-white holding cell. He also discovered...that he wasn't alone. Beside him, a blonde woman turned to glare at him. "Where are we?" He asked, knowing Grace wouldn't have an answer. But, she nodded toward a window in the corner and he raced to peer outside. They...were in space? With Daleks floating around in ships. Great. Just great.

"How much trouble are we in?" He asked finally.

"How much trouble? Out of ten?" Grace and Chester whirled around to see a door open that seemed to appear from nowhere, a Daley rolling in. But, behind it, a short blonde woman entered the room, straightening her bow tie. Looking at them both, she fought a sigh. "Eleven." Hannah said finally.

Above them, the roof opened and they began to ascend into a room...full to the brim with Daleks. All staring at the three of them.

"Where are we?" Grace asked finally after a few moments of silence. "Spaceship, yeah?"

"Not just any spaceship..." Hannah said softly. "A /Dalek/ spaceship. The Parliament of the Daleks."

Grace and Chester shared a worried look before turning their gaze to Hannah. "Be brave." She advised.

"What do we do?" Grace asked, seeming brave, though her voice trembled a bit.

"Make them remember you." Hannah said simply. Then, she turned her attention to the wave of Daleks. "Come on, then, best Christmas present ever! Here I am!" She stood in the center of the ring, arms spread, face scrunched in anticipation.

Though, rather than being bombarded with Dalek beams as the two humans and timelord suspected, a soft, broken robotic voice came instead. "" Hannah inched an eye open and peered around before turning and looking at the Dakek emperor, who continued. "You will save us."

"I'll what?" Hannah asked, raising her brow as she did even when she was away.

"You will save the Daleks." The emperor said simply, and a chorus of agreement followed. "Save the Daleks! Save the Daleks!"

"Well..." Hannah said, looking around the room before meeting Grace and Chester's gaze. "This is new."

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