Chapter Two: Hello, I'm the Doctor!

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Hannah woke with a jolt to her world being thrown sideways. She quickly bolted upright, a hand on her forehead. "What the fuck?!" She said before covering her mouth and widening her eyes. "I...why the hell am I speaking in a British accent....and....holy FUCK I'M IN THE TARDIS OH MY GOD IT'S LIKE A DREAM COME TRUE!!!!" Hannah stood and moved to the many levers on the TARDIS's control panel. "Shit, how do I fly this thing?" She mumbled to herself before pushing a random button and flipping a lever just to its left.

After a few nausea-inducing twists and turns, Hannah finally figured out what the hell she was doing and (sort of) gently landed in a spot in an empty lot. Hannah shook herself off and straightened her tie and suit jacket. If there was one thing she loved about the Doctor, it was how he always dressed to the nines (tens?) wherever he went.

Hannah gingerly peeked outside the door of the TARDIS and discovered she was in the empty lot just across from the shopping centre where Rose worked. "Alriiiight," Hannah said in approval. "Adventures with the hot as hell Billie Piper. This is my cup of tea." She made her way around to the front doors of the centre only to find the doors locked. Of course, it was closing time. Patting down her suit jacket, Hannah discovered Ten's world-famous Sonic Screwdriver. She grinned and ran over to the window, pointing the Sonic at it heroically... until she realized that she didn't exactly know how to work the bloody thing.

Eventually, with a bit of coaxing, Hannah got the Sonic to work and she had successfully made it inside of the centre. "God damn it, why didn't I just use the door?!" She said to herself as her tiny frame struggled to get up into the window. Once she was inside, she used her Sonic as a light to take a look around. She didn't have to do much running, because a small, brunette girl was running in her direction with a bunch of shadows after her. Wait- Rose Tyler wasn't a brunette...

Hannah stepped around the corner and waited a moment. The girl rounded the corner and pressed herself up against the wall, chest heaving as she tried her best to catch her breath. Taking a deep breath herself, Hannah looked over at the girl. "Hello, I'm the Doctor."

The girl turned to face her, warm chocolate eyes meeting Hannah's baby blues. "Ingrid Nilsen." She panted.

Hannah's heart dropped into her stomach. Still, though, she knew she had to protect her. "Nice to meet you, Ingrid Nilsen. Now run for your life." She said, forcing a grin as she grabbed Ingrid's hand and pulled her down the hall toward the window she'd entered from.

They were nearly there when they heard the footsteps growing closer: the mannequins. Hannah cursed softly to herself and hurriedly climbed out of the window, reaching her hand back in for Ingrid. The girl took her hand and was almost out the window, but a mannequin grabbed her foot. Ingrid shrieked in fear as Hannah sprung into action; she closed the window on the mannequin, but its arm came off and still had a hold of Ingrid's ankle. Hannah zapped it with her Sonic and the hand became still and she was able to remove Ingrid's foot from its grasp.

"What...the hell...was that?!" Ingrid asked once they were safely away from the shop.

Hannah bit the inside of her cheek and thought for a moment. "Perhaps we should take you home, Ingrid, you've had a long day."

"Home? I don't want to go home!! Doctor, what the hell were those things!?"

Hannah sighed softly. "I'll explain once we get you home." She said, not slowing down.

Ingrid groaned inwardly and ran to catch up. "But who are you?"

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