Chapter Four: The Doctor Gets a Brand New Mate

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A few weeks had passed since Hannah's Doctor Who dream. She was determined to have another, so she binge-watched all of the Tenth Doctor's episodes. When she had decided it was time for bed, she laid back and closed her eyes, willing herself to fall asleep quickly. It must have happened pretty quickly because, before she knew it, she was back in the TARDIS, still decked out in Ten's clothes, but this time, the interior of the TARDIS synched with her current outfit (before, the TARDIS had been 9's).

Hannah furrowed her brows and slowly reached up to wipe at her cheek. It was wet. She didn't know exactly why... until she heard a strangely familiar voice from behind her.

"Who are you?" A tall, figured red head said quietly.

"What?" Hannah questioned.

"Where am I?" Mamrie persisted, her gaze something between angry and confused.

"What?" Hannah asked again, finally realizing why the hell her best friend looked so strange.

"What the hell is this place?!" Mamrie yelled, pulling her veil off of her head.

"How the bloody hell did you get in here?" Hannah asked, brows raised. "We're in flight, that's physically impossible!"

"Well, I could ask you the same question! In fact, I did! Where! The HELL!! AM I!?!"

"Y-you''re in the TARDIS..."

"The what!?!"

"The TARDIS, now, if you'll just let me explain-"

Mamrie scoffed and her eyes went to something lying on the control panel. She moved to it and picked it up. "Oh, so I'm not the first one, then, eh? I'm not the first woman you've abducted?!"

Hannah's heart sank in her chest as she snatched the jacket from Mamrie. "That's my friend's."

"And where is she, then!?"

Hannah flipped the jacket over and brought it to her nose. Damn it, it still smelled like her. "She's gone." She finally whispered.

"Gone how?"

Hannah didn't answer her. Instead, she gave Mamrie a knowing look and flipped a switch on the control panel. "Why are you dressed like that?"

"Oh, it's karaoke night at the bar WHY DO YOU THINK FUCKTWIT!?" Mamrie yelled.

Hannah sighed and looked up at the redhead. "What's the address?"

"St. Mary's Church, 1050 Baker Street, Cardiff, England, Earth, the bloody Milky Way." Mamrie said hotly before whirling around and realized there was a door behind her. She ran for it, ignoring Hannah's "NO!" and flung the doors open- nearly plummeting out into the middle of space.

Hannah sighed softly and moved to join Mamrie, leaning against the frame of one of the doors. "I'm the Doctor, by the way. You?"

"Mamrie Hart." She whispered, barely audible. "What's this?"


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