Chapter Five: The Emporess's New Snack

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"Space. You're in space." Hannah said with a soft sigh. "And this is my space..." she closed her eyes, rubbing the bridge of her nose as she forced herself to say the word. The real Mamrie would need the same coaxing. "...ship. Called the TARDIS."

She glanced at Mamrie, who looked as if she were about to have a panic attack, a look Hannah knew all too well. "How am I breathing?"

"She's protecting us." Hannah said simply, patting the side of the TARDIS fondly.

"Who are you?" Mamrie asked, voice trembling a bit, glancing over at the short blonde woman.

"The Doctor." Hannah said smoothly. "You?"

"Mamrie. Human."

Hannah nodded once. "Right. Got it. Thanks for clarifying, a thing like that's optional for me."

Mamrie turned to give her a once-over. "You're an alien."

"Timelord, same thing."

After what felt like an eternity, Mamrie turned away to pout some more, Hannah sighing again and closing the doors so neither of them fell out.


(( hello! This is the part where I skip a bunch of details because A, science and B, I don't want to plagiarize a Doctor Who. Basically, for those interested, the man Mamrie/Donna was going to marry wasn't human and was really the bait to get her to the spider queen, or the Racnoss empress. This takes place toward the end of the Empress explaining her plot ))

Hannah held up a small remote control that seemed to come out of nowhere, leaning slightly over the balcony. Mamrie looked up at her in slight confusion. "How'd that fit in there?" She asked, nodding toward her trousers.

Hannah's lips twitched in a bit of a smirk. "They're bigger on the inside."

"Roboforms cannot harm us! Tonight, we will feast on Martian flesh!" The empress cried out, hissing at Hannah. She may have looked terrifying to Mamrie, but Hannah had seen this before and knew how it played out.

"But I'm not a Martian." She said simply.

"Then what are you? Where are you from?"

Hannah kept her face emotionless. "My home planet is far away, long since gone. But it's name lives on." Her face turned stoic. "Gallifrey."

The Empress screeched and Mamrie jumped at the noise, but Hannah remained still, even while the Empress screamed at her. "I warned you." She said simply, pressing a button on the remote in her hand, fire sprouting up everywhere. While the Empress was distracted, Hannah ran down to grab Mamrie's hand just  as the sprinkler system went off to douse the fire. "We need to get out if here." Hanna said, voice calm as she drug Mamrie out of the room and up a ladder to the roof. Once there, she pressed another button, and water went flooding into the room. Then, Hannah started to laugh, and Mamrie joined in.

Mamrie looked down at the shorter girl. "We did it, we survived. There's just one problem."

Hannah furrowed her brows. "Hmm?" She asked, watching as a tank blew up the Empress's ship.

"We've drained the Thames."

Hannah laughed again when she realized what they'd done.

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