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Like the soft, stirring melody
Of any given piano key
Which in a moment fleeting sound Inspire and bring our hearts abound

Like the life of a single flame
Sparking, flickering then it fades Dancing on embers 'round the fireplace
Its warm glow heating your face

Like the gentle rays of the rising dawn Beautiful, majestic, like a swan
Its breathtaking color seems so unreal The sense of renewal is what you feel

Like the fleeting joy of life's task Twined with the sorrow of hope's past
Hatred and strife soon will end
Love fades like a forgetful friend

Dull like an old tapestry
Once vibrant but cannot be
Like the dimming tale of a falling star Everything vanishes and falls apart

Time is precious, we all have little supply
Because of this, be mindful of your life
And know that everything in this world
Is simply and beautifully Ephemeral

Through Eyes Of PassionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant