Demons Clawing at My Gate

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*I wrote this poem for another friend of mine. They were going through some pretty messed up stuff when I wrote this; and one day they lashed out at me. They accused me of not understanding them or what they were going through, and to prove them wrong I wrote this poem. Even though it's dark and not necessarily my style, I know my friend is doing much better now. And I'm happy my friend gave me permission to publish this.*

Demons clawing at my gate
Rending, tearing I hesitate
Full malice, full of strife
I have to question my whole life

Demons clawing at my gate
A cry for help, my calm dissipates Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
I have to question my whole life

Demons clawing at my gate
Breaking, shaking. Oh! This hate!
In a sea of people, but abandoned thrice
I have to question my whole life

Demons clawing at my gate
Can anyone save me from my fate? Silence meets my strangled cries
And I have to question my whole life

Into darkness I do creep,
where Devils come and beckon me
God Almighty! Do you hear?
Your servant cannot persevere.

Into darkness I do creep
Where only sin and silence meet. Falling from grace, I know my fate. Because demons are clawing at my gate.

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