Truth of Beauty

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*I actually wrote this as a tribute to one of my friends who are very hard on themselves about their looks. I hated how they spoke about their looks and body type, and so decide to write this for them. If it's too cheesy or sappy, I get it. It was just to help a friend.*

In the mirror I do see
Lifeless eyes stare back at me
Craving elusive beauty charm
Thinking it will fill my heart

I wish to be like a diamond rare
My fine polish, so smooth and fare
My glistening elegance will be my attraction
And endless adoration will be my satisfaction

But what I did not know and couldn't see
Is how everyone would objectify me
My worth would only amount to how I was bought
A simple ornament, a person not

I wish to be like a shining star
Hanging in the dark sky so far
Everyone would gaze on my dazzling light
And marvel at my wondrous sight

But what I didn't know and couldn't see
Is how every star burns uselessly
So high above everyone, never truly known
Thus doomed to be forgotten,
my fate is clearly  shown

No matter if your eyes are brown or blue
Be thankful that you were made as you
For if we were all born of the same skin,
We would be like dolls- empty, hollow, souless within

So to every tribe and nation
This is our proclamation
To be neither diamonds nor stars
But to be exactly who we are

So now in the mirror I do see
Hopeful eyes stare back at me
Abandoning elusive beauty charm
Knowing what will fill my heart

Through Eyes Of PassionWhere stories live. Discover now