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Monochromatic means of having one hue
Nothing special, just one color true Because of this, people think that it's rather dull
Nothing new, no other colors to break a picture's lull
They say that it's boring with no adventure and no chase
That the variety is dead, and they move on post haste
Monochromatic, a strong word for a bland thing
It's mundane, like a stormy overcast morning

But I have to disagree with the others color taste
Monochromatic, for me, makes me feel that I am safe
And I feel like to be of one hue is truly a great feat
And for this, monochromatic is what my eyes do meet
To explore all the shades of one hue isn't something ordinary
Not mundane in the slightest, but rather skillful very

Monochromatic might seem laborious and confining at first,
But what you do with your given space determines what you're worth  Whether to be one shade of blue are the colors of the ocean
To paint my life in safe, skillful colors is now my mission.

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