House Hunting

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   -(Okay if the voice talks then I'm writing it in bold, italics, and I'll underline it so it creates less confusion. Okay, enjoy your stay at this chapter :3 . )

   You really are an idiot for thinking that the others care for you.

   I exhaled. This damn voice won't leave me alone, this is soooo annoying,

   HEY! You better take back what you said!

I groaned. I was at the back of the group, Sans and Toriel walked beside me and looked at my direction after I groaned. Everyone, but Jack, was outside to go look for a place to live. Toriel, and Sans walked a bit closer to me.

"uh kid, you okay?" Sans asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

Even though your not, hah, and I thought you trusted your "friends."

   Toriel looked at me with her purple eyes. She had a bit of concern on her face. "Are you sure? You look a little frustrated about something." I shook my head. I don't want them worrying about anything so I just wave it off. They don't seem to buy it though.

   "y'know you can tell us anything. we won't hurt ya." Sans told me.

   He is soooooo lying.

   "No it's really okay." I told them, trying to ignore the voice.

   "Hm. Well if you say so, but we might ask again later." Toriel told me. I nodded my head. The two of them gave me a little bit more space in between us. I decided to go to the front of the group. I walked toward the front. Alphys, Mettaton (More like Mettaton EX :3 . ), and Napstablook were beside me.

   "Oh........hello Frisk...." Napstablook greeted.

   "Hello Frisk darling!" Mettaton smiled.

   "Oh! H-hi Frisk!" Alphys waved at me.

   "Hey guys." I replied. I looked over to my left side a bit to see some kids playing basketball. One of them kind of stared at us, three of them just kept playing, and some others were whispering and talking to each other while looking at us. I sigh. I looked back at Napstablook, Alphys, and Mettaton and they saw them too. They looked a bit discouraged. "C'mon guys, cheer up! It's not their fault that they're not used to monsters yet. I mean I was really confused and scared when I first fell into the Underground." I told them.

   "I-I guess that's true." Alphys agrees.

   "Hm, you do have a point Frisk!" Mettaton nods his head. 

   Napstablook doesn't say anything but he slightly moves his head up and down. The four of us quietly walked for a little bit. Then i suddenly thought of something.

   "Um, does anyone know where we are going?" I ask Alphys, Mettaton, and Napstablook. Alphys lightened up a bit and quickly pulled out her phone. She started using it.

   Wait, how do phones from the underground work here on the surface? I think i shouldn't really think about it too much, hahaha.

   Alphys smiled and showed her phone to me. Me, Napstablook, and Mettaton crowded around the phone to see what Alphys was showing us. There was a It's called "Google Maps......" or is that a thing she searched up on the internet......without wifi?

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