Discontinued? (Update)

194 10 15

-(You can listen to my speach, or just pay attention to the "important" paragraphs (they are beside a "•" . It's up to you. )

Yeeeeaaaaaaah. I don't really have enough steam for this book to keep going. I was planning a 4 book series, but i'm running out of ideas, plus i'm just not interested in this topic anymore.

Now, now, don't go raging, or pouting on me. I could be ending for good, OR it could be a really long break. When i say a "really long break" i mean months, maybe even a year or two.

I'm sorry if this disappoints anyone, but i don't feel quite smart enough to do a 4 book series, i really don't.

•I thinking of replacing (replacing sounds kind of mean, but you know what i'm trying to say) this book with an anime crossover, or something anime related. Let me know some ideas if you have any.

•Well, this may be the last update i do, so i just want to thank everyone that read OVERTALE, and CONTROL. The support for those two books were mind blowing, and i really appreciate every comment, vote, and even view. I thought no one would read this, i thought it would be one of those books out in the void, but you guys were nice enough to give attention to these two trashy books.

•Thank you all, i really mean it. It makes me so happy to know people actual enjoy my content. Of course, that also makes me majorly confused since it's so sucky, but not my point. Just.........thank you all.

•Before you go, i just want to say one final thing. It may sound cheesy, but i want you to remember these two words...

*S T A Y D E T E R M I N E D.

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