Meeting The Voice

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     I sighed, I laid down on my mattress in the dark room. Sans, and Flowey were already asleep, and I couldn't fall asleep for some reason. It was a wonderful day, we picked a house to eventually live in, we hanged out with why do I feel so uneasy?

   Ugh. I think I'm thinking too much, I should just try to clear my mind to sleep.

   I shifted into a more comfortable position and stared at one direction ( No not "One Direction" you people, I don't even like them and I don't listen to their music XD . ) . Slowly I started to feel drowsy. My eyes started to feel heavy and then I closed my eyes to sleep.


   Well well well, I'm very surprised indeed.

   I heard the voice again. It was dark all around me. I couldn't see a thing, not even my hand when I waved it in front of my face.

   You know, I thought Sans would of killed you way earlier. Looks like he just wants to see everyone around him die. After all, he is the only one, other than me, that knows the truth.

   K-Kill me? Sans would have no reason to kill me, he is an innocent monster. He always tells jokes, he's always laid back, he wouldn't kill me.

   Heheheh, you're really are stupid.

   Suddenly there were lights. The brightness and suddenness ( I'm pretty sure "suddenness" is a word) caught me off guard and I couldn't see anything. Slowly my eyes seemed to adjust to the brightness and I could make up some things. I was in a room the same size as my room that I was sleeping in. It was pretty empty though. I could see some boxes in the corner of the room, a random wooden table at the middle of the room, and across the room was a person.


   Yes, you're dreaming you idiot. I made this dream, so shut up.

   I stayed silent and looked at the person in front of me. They looked the same age as me. They had red eyes that seemed to stare into your soul creepily. They had a hair cut much like me but their hair was slightly messier, the messy hair kind of made that person look better than compared to what you would think. They wore a green, and yellow striped shirt, stained with.............blood and dust.........the shirt was torn in some places too, but they didn't seem to care. Same with their brown pants. Their brown shoes were really dusty ( So dusty! ) as well. Their arms were crossed and they stared at me with their blood red eyes.

   Yes, I am the one that talks to you in your head.

   Do you have a name?

   Name's Chara. Y'know I'm really confused, I don't know how you don't remember.

   Don't remember what?

   Ugh! You're such an idiot, if you knew this would be funner. Whatever, I guess I can make my plan work WITHOUT you knowing.

   You're not making any sense.

   Of course I'm not making any sense! You're too stupid to know ANYTHING Frisk!

   H-How do you know my name?

   PLEASE! I've been in your head since your last reset.

   But I never reset!

   I looked over to Chara at the opposite end of the room. They mumbled something under their breath, I couldn't hear what they said, they shook their head.

   Ugh. I never thought the deal would affect you so much.


   You're sooooooooooo idiotic! You have problems!

   I have problems?! You're the one that travels in my mind, or whatever! You always say things to put me down while I'm with my friends, and you say I have problems!

   I started to get mad a little. Chara's eyes seemed to flash a bit and she pulled out a knife literally out of nowhere.

   Yes. You're the one with problems. You know I'm doing you a favor, you have a lot of potential, you are very powerful. You just need help releasing your power.

   I stayed silent.

   Plus, you have problems because you don't remembering anything! You have freaking memory issues.

   Just shut up. I want to wake up from this dream.

   Heh, if you say so Frisk, but remember, I'll ALWAYS be there.


   Then I woke up.

   -(Omg I'm so sorry that this is a super short chapter! I wanted to get something out for you guys so I guess this is better then nothing. Well anyways, see y'all! )

   -(Eh, too lazy to edit this chapter, I might come back and edit it later, FIGHT MEH! )

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