Hang Out

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Me, Toriel, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, and Napstablook were very tired (Flowey's obviously not tired, he doesn't walk XD ) . We all walked up toward Jack's front door and knocked on it. We all waited for a couple of seconds, there was no response.

"Should we knock again?" Asgore asked. I opened my mouth to speak but then was interrupted by Flowey.

"Try opening the door idiots!" Flowey yelled. I quickly held onto the door knob and twisted it. I pushed the door and it opened.

Wow. The door was opened?

"Oh. Well we're idiots." Undyne realized.

"Well duh!" Flowey spat. We all stepped inside Jack's cozy home. We all started to take off our coats, sweaters, and stuff off ( some of then did anyways ;P . ) .

"Um........does anyone know where J-Jack is?" Napstablook asked.

Hmm. Now do that i do think about it.......where is he? He didn't say he would be out.

He's in an obvious spot! You're just too stupid to realize!

I sigh quietly. I look around at the others to see if they know where Jack is. They are all looking at each other too.

"Maybe Ja-" Toriel was cut off by some muffled laughter and shouting.

"Did Jack invite Mark, Jen, and Reign over?" Undyne asked the group.

"They're probably all in the 'recording room' or whatever Jack calls it. C'mon let's go!" I told them.

   We all walked toward the hall way. We all walked toward the recording room. Inside we heard lots of laughter, and Jack yelling. The group backed up as I knocked on the door. We waited for a couple of seconds before someone opened the door. Reign was in front of us, and smiled as she saw us.

   "oh. sup reign." Sans greeted Reign.

   "Hey Sans!" Reign replied. Some others that were in the room went beside Reign. Beside Reign was Mark, Jack, and Jen,

"Hey you guys! So did you find a house?" Jack asks.

"Yes we did. It's very nice, and everyone seemed to agree on it." Toriel told Jack.

"That's so cool! Hey, how about we go to the living room instead of standing here." Mark suggested. (Oh my god, I remember when Mark was playing "Universe Sandbox" or some thing like that. He said "so cool" SOOOOOOOOOOO many times XD . )

"Good idea!" Jen exclaimed. We all walked out of the hallway, the four humans behind us. We went to the living room, and we all sat on a couch, surrounding a table.

"Y'know I actually had been thinking. There's a beach that's a 20-30 minute drive from here. I was thinking we could all go today, but you guys must be exhausted." Jack told us.

"I'm not! I didn't have to anything besides being carried around!" Flowey corrected Jack.

"Darling, I'm a robot. I don't get tired, but if the others are tired then I think we could wait until tomorrow." Mettaton told Jack.

   "I think most of us aren't tired, but would like to relax today." I told Jack. I look at the others and they nod.

   "That's fine. We can always go tomorrow. I mean, we're not doing any of our jobs tomorrow." Jen told us.

   "Speaking of jobs, Reign, what IS your job?" Asgore asks.

   "Oh I work at an arcade at a mall. I'm the person that just kind of walks around and helps people if some of the machines and games aren't working." Reign explained.

   "W-Wow, that's seems cool!" Alphys wags her tail a little bit and she smiles.

   "Oh and if you guys don't mind answering this, what would you kind of be in 'human terms?' I mean I know your monsters, but what would you be considered as if we couldn't call you a monster?" Reign asks.

   "Well obviously a flower, a buttercup to be precise. Plus I'm not even a monster, I don't have a soul!" Flowey groaned.

   "Well me and Toriel are kind of like.......goats? I think that's what it's called." Asgore told Reign.

   "ME AND MY LAZY BROTHER SANS ARE SKELETONS!" Papyrus happily yells.

   "yeah, me and paps are SKELEBROS." Sans winked. Reign and I laughed at Sans. Toriel giggled a bit too. Papyrus just face palmed.

   "I guess I'm a fish. I have fins, gills, all that stuff. So yeah, a fish." Undyne answers Reign.

   "i-in human terms? W-Well I'm not really sure. I think I'm a type of dinosaur b-but I'm not really sure." Alphys stutters.

   "Well......me and Mettaton are ghosts.......Mettaton is more of a robot now since he is corporeal with his body......I'm just a ghost." Napstablook explained quietly.

   "What Blooky said!" Mettaton places his arm on Napstablook but it ends up phasing through him. "Oops, hahaha, sometimes I forget Blooky's a ghost." Mettaton laughs.

   "Cool! Thanks for answering my question!" Reign happily replies. Suddenly her face perked up a little bit. "You guys want to play Super Smash Bros? "

   "Sure!" Me, Undyne, Sans, and Papyrus say in unison.

   "Ooh, we can have a team battle! Frisk and the monsters versus us!" Mark exclaimed.

   "Alright let's do this!" I shouted.

   The rest of the day was us just playing and talking with each other. Papyrus ended up cooking pretty good spaghetti for dinner too. This day was an amazing day.

   -( Cue end of chapter! Yeah I know that the story is pretty boring so far, but be patient! I have to develop the story line! The next chapter should be pretty interesting so look out for that, okay, see y'all later! )


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