The Beach (Part 1)

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-( I was supposed to finish this chapter but I guess I'll split it into parts so you guys don't have to wait like a year. Sorry, I have procrastination problems X3 . )

   "Frisk wake up!" A voice shouted.

"Mmmm.....give meh five moar minutes....................actualleh.....make that ah hour." I groaned.

"Geez Frisk! Wake up!" The voice shouted again. Suddenly i felt myself getting shook side to side. I finally opened my eyes and saw Undyne. Her hair was in her usual pony tail, but her hair was messier than usual. She was wearing a white tank top, and there were words that said "Anime is real" on it. She was wearing blue pants with some rips in it too.

"Finally! Took you long enough to wake up nerd!" Undyne flashed a smile, showing her sharp teeth.

"Heh sorry. Why did you wake me up?" I asked. I fixed my hair a bit and sat up into a sitting position on my mattress.

"Well Jack said we were all goin' to the beach today! If you don't wake up then we're leaving you punk!" Undyne explained. She lent out her hand to help me stand up. I smiled and took her hand. Undyne hauled me up, i almost fell in the process. I ended up hugging Undyne so i wouldn't fall. Then i let go of her.

"When are we going to the beach?" I asked Undyne.

"After lunch. It's 10:30 right now so get yourself ready." Undyne answered. I nodded my head. She gave me a thumbs up and then walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. I fixed the blanked and pillows on my mattress to make it look nice. When I was satisfied with how it looked I changed my nightwear into my usual outfit. My magenta and blue striped shirt with my blue sweat pants ( My god. When I typed in "shirt" I accidentally put "sh!t " instead, oops! ). I looked at the mirror in the room to fix up my outfit and then went out of the room to go each up in the wash room. I combed my brown hair that grew up to my shoulders, brushed my white teeth that seemed to sparkle-according to Mettaton,- and put some lotion on my lightly tanned skin. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled in satisfaction.

   Eh. Your outfit could use a bit more blood on it.

   Blood?! What the heck Chara!


   Ugh, never mind. I went out of the washroom, trying to ignore Chara as I walked. I stepped on the floor below me in the hallway while looking down, I was too tired to bother to look up, that weird dream i had last night made it seem like i didn't sleep. Then I heard someone say my name.

   " Hello Frisk! Are you okay?" Someone asked. I looked up and saw Toriel in front of me. She was wearing her usual purple dress.

   "Yeah I'm fine, I'm just tired." I reply.

   "If you say so. Alphys just woke up a couple of minutes ago and is eating breakfast, Everyone else is in the living room. I'm just going to grab something from Asgore's, and my room." Toriel explained.

   "Okay Tori!" I smile at her as she walked over to her room. I kept walking, keeping my head up this time. I head over to the dining room and i saw Alphys eating some Butterscotch-cinnamon pie.

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