
640 75 2

july 24, 2019
7.23 pm

❝your mom called me. she was crying.❞


❝jimin, you can't remove the harness!❞

❝but i wanted to be free!❞

❝you wanted to be free? so you try sky diving again and unstrap the gears?❞

❝its because i was suffocated! but i didn't completely take it off! the watchers stopped me!❞

❝that wasn't the answer i want jimin. your mom was worried sick!❞

❝i'm sorry.❞

❝apologize to her, not to me.❞

❝i will.❞

❝you know doing that can kill you right? you are not a bird that can fly without gears, parachute and whatever.❞

❝i know.❞

❝but you still did it?❞

❝because i wanted to be free.❞

freedom.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon