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hill near the park
august 02, 2019
5.08 pm

tell me more about her.❞

❝sure! her name is sooyoung. you've met her before at my party once! i think.❞

sooyoung noona? the pretty girl with brown hair?❞

❝yes! she's actually a year older than me. so she's three years older than you. would you mind?❞

❝no. not really. someone older than me is actually my type.

❝that's good! and hmm, she likes dancing too. like you.❞

that's nice. but does she sing? does she- hyung, does she rap?

❝rap? no? but she's good at singing.❞

❝oh, great. uhm can she compose songs? like you?

❝i don't really know about that. i think she doesn't.❞


❝she's a sporty type of person too! sooyoung noona is a swimmer.❞

❝she swims? she must be really flexible. i'm just wondering, can she play basketball?

❝basketball? what?❞

❝yeah. like you.

❝i don't think so. why?❞

❝i like people who play basketball, hyung. they seem attractive to me.❞

❝holy shell, you act like a girl right now.❞

❝yoongi please.❞

❝okay sorry. but tell me about your type. let's see if sooyoung noona can

❝pass it.❞


❝i like someone as my height. someone who raps, plays basketball, loves to sleep. someone who will not leave me no matter what. while the looks? it doesn't really matter. as long as that someone is presentable and decent. but that someone has to be short haired.❞

❝oh that's amazing! sooyoung noona had a haircut last week! she has short hair now.❞


❝so are you free tonight?❞


❝okay! wait there, i'm going to contact sooyoung noona.❞


yoongi left jimin and went to the corner.

❝i forgot to say the most important.❞

❝that someone must go with the name min yoongi.❞

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