
270 29 2

august 07, 2019
7.21 am



❝you look pale. are you okay?❞

❝yes. just a little headache.❞

❝you should've just stayed home!❞

❝no, i'm fine. don't worry.❞

❝if you say so. anyway, have you seen hera?❞

❝no . . . h-how did it go? the confession? y-you look happy.❞

❝its because i really am! guess what jimin?❞

❝please just tell me.❞

❝you're no fun, ha. here's a clue, a good news.❞

❝oh. maybe she accepted your flowers and letter?❞

❝that's just a part of it but okay i'm saying! park hera . . . accepted my love, and is now my girlfriend!❞

❝t-that's great! congratulations then! i-i'm going to my class.❞

❝uh, okay? thanks?❞


afternoon of the same day came, jimin left school, reasoning he's having a fever.

yoongi was busy with his new girlfriend. he didn't notice jimin went home.

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