
509 72 16

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august 02, 2019
5.03 pm

❝you blind folded me for this?❞

❝don't you like it?❞

❝hyung, i like it in here. but you don't have to cover me all the way here.❞


❝yeah. whatever.❞

❝is your knee fine? did the bleeding stop?❞

❝yup. thanks to you.❞


❝this place is more beautiful on morning. look at the lake! its sparkling!❞

❝and the flocks of bird! oh my they look so cute!❞

❝i hope we can be like that someday. still together.❞

❝jimin, we'd be.❞


❝yes. you're my bestest friend.❞

❝friends. thanks.❞


❝nothing. oh wow look at that side! the cliff was so high!❞

❝you will always be my best-❞

the wind is cold! ah! its relaxing!


❝jimin, you know that i love you right?❞


❝i love you.❞

❝you're not gonna court me and ask mom to marry me right?❞

❝what? no! i'm just saying that i love you.❞

❝that's the same!❞

❝as a friend, jiminnie. what are you talking about.❞


❝wait. are you gay?❞

❝m-me? no! of course not!❞

❝good. i'm setting you up with my cousin.❞

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