
489 68 9

august 05, 2019
1.42 pm

that's funny!❞

❝i know bitch! it was unexpected and then bam! he suddenly kneeled in front of me and tadah! he offered me a diamond ring.❞

it was actually sweet.❞

❝hell yeah. if only he didn't use that ring for his another proposal before.❞

he's a jerk.❞

❝i know right. imagine, he'd proposed to my friend last month and then got busted, and after a week he'd proposed to me. isn't he a fucking jerk?❞

but hey, didn't it hurt?

❝bitch of course it does. i mean i like him since sixteen but woah i found out he'd proposed to my friend last month. and then last week, it happened. he actually courted me and duh, i like him so i agreed to become his girlfriend.❞

you mean, it has only been week since you guys became a couple? and then he already proposed to you?

❝you got it 100 percent right, bitch.❞

oh my shit. he's unbelievable.❞


but if you didn't know that he actually tried hitting on your friend before, would you accept him?

❝to be honest... yes. i've waited for him for almost eight years, jimin.❞

that's sad.❞

❝what more saddening is that, my friend didn't tell me that my boyfriend actually proposed to him. it came from yoongi.❞


❝yep. he saw everything and told me a week after, which is also the exact moment when the hoe asked for my hand.❞

what a great timing.❞

❝bitch, please.❞

so like, yoongi set us up since you're broken hearted?❞

❝yeah, kinda. sorry.❞

its fine.❞

❝how 'bout you?❞

i don't know. to be really honest, i'm-❞

❝darn! by the way! do you know hera?❞

❝our famous schoolmate? the park hera?❞


❝what about her?❞

❝oh my god! i heard yoongi's hitting on her!❞

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