Chapter Two - Session Two

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"Welcome back Kellin. Time ran a little short yesterday, so let's start where we left off."

"Okay." Kellin said.

Kellin went and sat in his assigned seat on the first day of 4th grade. He kept his eyes on his desk until class began. A few seconds before class started, a small little Mexican boy with short brown hair plopped down next to Kellin. Neither of the boys said anything.

As the teacher began talking Vic leaned over to Kellin.

"Dude," he whispered. "I can already tell this year is gonna stink with this teacher." Which Kellin stifled a laugh.

"Boys." Ms. Simmons spoke to Kellin and Vic.

"Are we having issues already, first day of school?"

"No Ms. Simmons." The two boys mumbled together.

"Good." The teacher said as she went back to going over classroom rules. The two boys looked at each other and smiled.


"Yeah." Kellin spoke. "The first day I met Vic, we both knew we were gonna be, like, best friends. Hell, I already saw that we were gonna be the two idiots who got in trouble for robbing a bank and laughing in a jail sell about it. That was a joke, by the way." Kellin sighed a laugh.

"So, it went back pretty far then, huh?" Dawson asked.

Kellin nodded. "Yeah. He was great."

"Me and him.. We were inseparable. I remember this one time in like, 4th grade, I threw a snowball at a window and there was a rock in it and it cracked a window. Vic and I ran, but go caught. Vic took the blame and I almost protested until I knew what my momma or poppa would do."

"What would they do, Kellin?"

Kellin just shook his head. "That's a story for a different time.


"Hey Vic, look at this!" Kellin called out.

Vic came trotting over to Kellin.

"Ewww Kellin, smashing worms is not nice to the world!" Vic pouted.

"Oh Vic suck it up worms help the earth, anyways."

"Whatever." Vic muttered.

"I caught a butterfly." Vic spoke. He pulled it out of the net and set it on his hand. Vic was admiring the butterfly and it's beautiful blue colors shinning in the sunlight, while Kellin was admiring the way Vic's brown hair shines as the sunlight catches it and the way his eyes sparkle."

"What are you staring at." Vic whispered while looking at Kellin.

"N..I'm not looking at anything."

"Oh. Okay." Vic muttered. He ran off in the other direction searching for more butterfly's.


"When we were 11, Vic had such a strange obsession with butterfly's. Ever since that first day of him catching it, it was like the butterfly put him into a trance.

"From then on, he had a weird obsession with bugs. I don't know why, I just kinda went along with it."

Kellin laughed.

"There were so many things about Vic I loved." Tears started dropping from kellins eyes.

"Here." Dawson handed him tissues.

"Thanks." Kellin whispered.

"Me and him, best friends. Closest you could get." Kellin cried a little harder.

"Fuck!" Kellin yelled.

"Hey, Kellin, calm down."

"He meant the world to me! He was everything!" Kellin fell to the floor in sobs, pounding the floor.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this." He whispered.

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