Chapter 5 - session 5

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"Shall we start with last time?" Dawson asked.

Kellin sat in his chair and shrugged. "I guess."

"So, did you... Kill, Vic?"

Kellin choked on those words.

"No. Not intentally."

"What happened?"



"Kellin?" Vic said through the phone.
"Um, hi."
"Wanna go for a drive?" Vic asked.
"I guess."

Before they knew it, the two boys were drinking away. Yes, driving too, with Kellin behind the wheel.

"Fuck man, I hate my life." Vic slurred.
"I mean, I fuck everything up. I blocked you out, I blocked out my family, and I fucked myself up. I fuck everything up."

"I still love you." Kellin spilled.

"What?" Vic asked.

"I always have. Ever since we kissed by that fire when we were 14, you quickly became my whole world. I fucking loved you and you didn't care!" Kellin screamed.

"I didn't know Kellin." Vic slurred.

"Stop the car." Vic said.


"I said stop the car!" So Kellin stopped the car. Vic opened the door, and stepped out into the freeway.

"I'll walk home. I don't de-"

Vic never finished his sentence because he was hit by an oncoming semi.v

"Vic! Vic no!" Kellin sprang out of the car to Vic's mutilated  body.

"Vic! Vic wake up! No, no, no, no please no wake up wake up!"

"I love you too." Vic said in a barely audible  whisper.

Vic had died, later that day in the hospital, only with Kellin and Vic's brother at his side.


Kellin was on the floor, his chest racking with sobs.

"It's my fault! It's all my fault." Kellin screamed.

Everything around him was a blur. He sprinted down the hallway and out the door, ignoring the calls of his name. He sprinted down the side of the road, and past the park. All the way to his home. He grabbed a pen and paper.

He wrote his note, and grabbed a rope. He walked to the park, where he and Vic had hung out together for the first time, and to the big oak tree. Kellin stared up at it with tears prickling his eyes.

He climbed up the tree, and tied his rope. He slipped it around his neck, and took a deep breath.

"Therapy, you were never a friend to me."

After a few seconds, he kicked jumped off the park bench he was standing on. The rope had squeezed his neck and he saw the flashbacks.


"Yeah right." Vic snorted. "You can't sneeze at 35 miles per hour."

"Can too." Kellin argued back.


"I wrote this song for you." Vic said.

"Sing it." Kellin said, smiling.

That first summer we spent's one we'll never forget,
Looking for any kind of reason to escape all the mess that
We thought was what made us
Ain't it funny now? We can see
We're who we're meant to be
You still have all of my heart."

"That was beautiful." Kellin said.

Back to reality

Kellin felt the life quickly leaving him. As his vision blurred, he saw someone walking up the hill. He shifted his eyes and saw Vic.

"Hi, baby."

"Kellin Quinn Bostwick was reported dead after dying at his own hands at Woodbury Elementary school in San Diego, California at 3:36 pm on Thursday. We do not know why he had decided to take his life, but it is a very sad cause. We apologize for any loved ones, friends or family, who were close to Kellin. We found it strange that he died on the same date as one of his childhood friends, Vic Fuentes. We had found nothing that cause this. All we found was a small note in kellins pocket that read:

"You still have all of my heart.


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