Chapter 4 - Session 4

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"Coffee?" Dawson asked Kellin.

"Yeah, yeah sure."
Dawson got Kellin the coffee and sat down at his desk.

"So, Kellin. Let's talk so more about this Vic."

"Well," Kellin sighed. "When we were both 16, Vic seamed... Distant. Yeah, distant. I tried to get him to tell me what was up but he always got so agitated so I left it alone. I would still go to his house every day you know, to check on him. There was this one day I went over and nobody answered the door, so I walked in. I went into Vic's room."

**((flashback to what kellins talking about))

"Vic?" Kellin called out. "You in here?"

Nobody was in there, but he heard a faint whimper come from the bathroom down the hall. Kellin dragged down the hallway and opened the bathroom door. And there Vic was, on the floor, with a blade in his hand and blood on his thigh.

"Vic?" Kellin said, astound.
Vic snapped his head up at the sight of Kellin. He immediately jumped up from his spot.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Vic spat. "Don't you know how to knock?" Vic spat.

"Vic, I-I I'm sorry what are you, why are you doing that Vic why are you doing that?" Kellin asked, getting choked up.

"It's none of your business Kellin! You aren't supposed to be here! Get out!" Vic yelled at Kellin.

"No no Vic please let me help you please explain why you're doing thi-" Kellin was cut off by Vic shoving him out the door, Vic in tears himself.

"I said get the fuck out!" He screamed. It was deathly silent for a few moments before Kellin got up, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"O-okay." He said, barely audible.

Kellin ran out of Vic's house, and into his car. He sobbed and sobbed and pounded the steering wheel.

"This is my fault! I wasn't there for him! It's my fault!" Kellin screamed at nobody.

After a few minutes of crying Kellin drove home. He went into his room and locked the door.

"Kellin?" He heard his father scream up the stairs.

"God please not tonight." Kellin pleaded to himself.

"Unlock this god damn door." Kellin reluctantly got up and fumbled with the lock before opening the door, only to be greeted with a deafening phnch to the face.

"What have I told you about being out past seven huh?" He never gave Kellin an answer before he took out the anger on his son. Every inch of his body was bruised and kicked. After he was done, Kellin laid there. Emotionless.

"So that's what happened with your dad? How long has that been going on?" Dawson asked.

"As long as I can remember." Kellin weakly said.

"Where is your father now?"

"Dead." Kellin bluntly said.

"Oh, how'd it happen?" Dawson asked.

"Don't know, don't care. He was across the country when it happened." Kellin said.

"What are those?" Dawson referred to kellins arm.

"Me, self mutilating myself." Kellin weakly said.

"If you knew how hard it was to see someone else do it, why would you?"

Kellin snorted. "Because nobody fucking cares about me? My mom is a drunk piece of shit, my so called dad liked me being hurt, and Vic hated me."

"Why a pastense use of Vic's name."

Kellin chuckled at himself.

"Because of me."

And with that, the therapy time was over.

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