Rising from the ashes

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Sometimes you get trapped in something that seems so perfect and right.

You give all your life for it,try to work that out someway somehow putting your best effort.

But you fail and all your work burns and you get yourself burned too and then the world will try to put you down more saying "That your nothing but broken and burned human"

No one will give a hand to you but you know what you don't need someone you got two hands and 5 senses that's all you need and belive that you will make it.

Then try n try n try n try.......

There will be surely a time where you rise up from the ashes.

If you think no, tell me how so many scientist, so many discoverer made it and found something that wasn't discovered yet after trying 50 times 100 times.

So if they can find the world's unknown discovery can't you do something that's already discovered.

Belive,stay clam,focus and tell your self how much you need it?
Why do you need it?
Why should you forget the past and move on?

Personal experience

People tried to break me off gave me names said I couldn't make it or I was just about beauty but I made it.

They said I wouldn't be able to hold the pieces and bring it back together,I wouldn't be able to move on
But you know what I glued the pieces 20 times and moved on and on however it was a long journey,I made it.

You can make it too you don't need a army when you have got yourself strong and a wounded soldier is more powerful than ever.

Thank you


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