Chapter 3, First Day as a Guardian

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Royal P.O.V.

I woke up early in the morning, and as usual, I feel like I'm missing a whole glop of my past.

I took a quick shower, and put my uniform on, with the armband Yuki gave me, and as well as my veil. I then left my dorm.

Yesterday... why did Zero ask if I was a vampire? I never lived a life as a vampire... or have I?

I shook the thought out of my head, and attended all of my classes. This would be the first day as a Guardian for me.

After Classes


That's all I've been hearing after class. Yuki and Zero were yelling at the fan girls to step away from the Night Class gates, but ended up on the floor.

Guess it's time for my show... ugh.

I dropped from the tree branch I sat on, and stood in front of Yuki. I took a deep breath, and started to sing one of the old lullabies I knew.

I looked up at the bright sky,

Dripping with sunlight,

Down came the rain,

Looking like Drops of sun,

They looked like amber,

Like they fell from heaven,

Oh how beautiful they were,

As if they came from heaven.

After I opened my eyes, everyone had their eyes on me, and they were finally silent. I grinned, until the Night Class students came out of their gates and stared at me. I groaned, and sat back at my tree.


"Aido-kun please look this way!"

"Kaname-kun, please marry me!" one girl yelled.

This is a school. Too young to be married.

"Hey Royal, are you not gonna help?!!" Zero yelled. I nodded, but I saw Kaname staring at me with a certain look on his face.

Kaname P.O.V.

Is she my little sister? The one that I lost? No... she's just a person who bears the same name. My little sister had beauty, and she would've recognized me. I'm sorry I haven't paid attention to you.

I looked up at the figure in the tree. She seems to be the new student, and a new Guardian.

She does look similar to Royal. Perhaps it is her...

Zero, Yuki, and Royal were walking away, since their job was done. When I glanced back, there were two golden bladed daggers on the back of Royal's hip.

She's a vampire hunter, Royal Ozawa. She probably isn't a vampire, though I sense a great pureblood in her. She's probably is a vampire though.

I walked towards class, until I smelled a scent of blood, and I knew that scent. It was from my little sister, Royal Kuran. I ran towards the scent, ditching class, and found Zero biting Royal Ozawa's neck.

"You okay now?" Royal asked, wiping her neck.

"Thank you," Zero said. He wiped his mouth from her blood. Royal suddenly turned to me.

"Are you someone from my past? I feel that you are," she asked with curiosity in her voice. I just stood there, and couldn't believe that Royal Ozawa was actually my sister, Royal Kuran.

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