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I'm so pumped, today's the first day as a senior in a new school. I used to live in New York but this summer we moved to San Diego. I really want to get in the football team because I'd like to have a scholarship but I've got no doubt I'll graduate. School, singing and football have always been my thing. It's a new day, a new school year, and a new life, I can't look back, I just have to go forth. 

As I go down to the kitchen to get breakfast I can feel my soar leg begging me to stop walking on it, I ignore it. It should stop hurting by the end of the week though.  My house is bigger here. I used to live in a penthouse in manhattan but it still wasn't a mansion like this one. All the walls are white, I kind of feel like I'm in a hospital, everything is too neat and spotless. 

My mom walks in the kitchen whilst I'm eating. "Ethan, it's time for school. are you ready?" I can feel tension in her usually calm voice. She is anxious for me. I have to make sure everything goes well here.  "Yes, ma. I'm ready" I say as I take a deep breath to calm myself. I'm really exited but I can't hide the fact that I'm also quite anxious. Nothing can happen like last year. It can't, I changed so much, I'm not chubby anymore. I play sport, I eat healthy and I'm not the dork I was last year. Puberty hit me like a truck as others would say. 

I get in my car and ride to school. The drive isn't too long, maybe 15 minutes without traffic. I live on the beach side where all the dream villas are. When I arrive at school, I park my convertible black Porsche in a spot next to a big black jeep. A girl, probably my age comes out from the passenger side and a guy steps out from the other side, they look alike, tall, toned, tanned skin, brown hair, but the guy looks older, maybe like 21 years old. The girl has long thick brown hair with streaks of lighter hair, her body is astounding and her face is so symmetrical and beautiful. I have never seen anybody so attractive in my entire life. She looks extremely confident as if she had always gone to this school and was the queen of the world. "Ale, dejarme aquí! I can walk to school alone." her voice sounds sharp and she definitely doesn't  want the guy, "Ale" to be here with her. 

During Spanish class this Mexican guy comes to me and introduces himself if a flawless english. "Hey, my name's Caleb, captain of the football team, you new?" I tell myself to be as confident as possible. I really want to be in the football team and this is my chance. "Yeah I am, my name is Ethan, I just moved from New York." He looks at me, smiles and says. "Cool, you interested in football by any chance? we need a new quarterback, Carlos our old one just ditched us because he broke his leg." I feel like I have a new life, everything is going so well. " Yeah I was actually going to ask when the tryouts are." I say with as much confidence as I can. "You can tryout on Wednesday, you probably won't be the only one trying out for quarterback so train hard and do your best." He goes back to his squad leaving alone for the rest of Spanish class. 

I pass the entire day of school with few problems, no one makes fun of me, which is probably a good start. I get lost a few times, between classes and I eat alone at lunch in a bathroom stall but its better than my old school and thats for sure. A few people even come to talk to me, mostly girls actually. I see a few time the girl from this morning, she's in my Spanish and music classes. I'm in the highest level in Spanish so I'm with all the Mexicans. I used to live in Mexico when I was younger so I learnt it there. In my music class everyone has different amazing talents and we all got to practice ours. 

When I go home my mom is waiting at the door as if she didn't leave it since this morning. 

At home I keep on thinking about that girl I saw. I don't really understand why I keep thinking about her, I mean yeah she was hot, but I don't even know her. Am I really that guy?

My mom calles me for dinner later. Its just her and I, as always, so there's no way to not talk about today. I mean it was a pretty good day, I mean everything that I wanted happened. But It just felt weird to have everything fall into place. I'm not used to everything going so well, is it like the calm before the storm?

My mom asks me a few standard questions like how my day was and if I made friends but I know that what she really wants to talk about is if I was bullied. She still looks as worried as this morning when I left the house so I try to reasure her the best I can. I tell her about the Caleb and how people came up and talked to me, I just omit talking about that girl. 

don't let me goTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang