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This morning I wake up feeling happy. Plain happy. I really hope I'll have a chance to speak to that misterious girl. I slept pretty well and I'm excited to train for football later because the tryouts are tomorrow, I really hope i get in as quarterback. 

My mom calls me and I run down the stairs, kiss her goodbye and leave in a hurry. I really dont want to be late for my second day of school. As I pull up, I see her again. This time she's with Caleb. I mean it makes sense, a gorgeous girl would of course be with the most popular cool dude at school. Who did I think I was, Brad Pitt? As I look closer though, I see that she still doesn't look very happy to be with him. She keeps on rolling her eyes and ignoring him. I mean I guess they could've fought... Or wait, they have the same eyes, same colour hair and pretty much the same features. Could they be siblings? Oh my god, I really need to tone down the jealousy, I don't even know the girl. I think she's called Lexie, But that definitively not cuz she told me. 

I get out of my car and run to get to my class before first bell. I have chemistry first and then I have spanish again. Chemistry goes fast pretty fast although I don't like the subject, the teacher is pretty cool. We form pairs and I get paired up with Caleb. We talk abit about football and he's really nice but he kind of intimidates me. I try not to show it because I heard confidence solves all problems, or at least in high school. I tell him about training this afternoon and he tells me that he'll join me so that he can already take a look at my technique. 

We get to spanish class and as I walk in I can't see the girl. I was really hoping I could talk to her or at least get her name or something. But she isn't there and I feel kind of disapointed. As Caleb walks in he looks around and looks like he's searching for someone. When he doesn't find that person he looks angry and walks up to Senorita Aguilar our spanish teacher and asks to be escused. I dont hear what he says exactly but he leaves in a hurry. I'm kind of confused but it's none of my business. I just go on with my day without seeing him again and hope that he'll still come to my practice this afternoon. 

At lunch a bunch of girls tell me to come eat with them which makes me feel very uncomfortable but since I have no one else to sit with I agree. They're pretty nice but not really my style. I mean they keep on talking about who hooked up with who or something. And when finally the topic changes they start talking about the Met Gala and the looks that were the best. They talk about how Shawn Mendes and Hailey Baldwin are together or something and how they don't agree with it but I sort of zone out because this isn't really my scene. 

After school, I go to the football field and start training by myself. I run a few laps around the field and I see others trying to train too. After about half an hour Caleb shows up. 

"Yo, I'm so sorry I had to deal with some shit but I can help now if you want?" 

"No problem, Thanks"

We train for a good hour and a half and others join in. At the end of training Caleb says he has to run and leaves. I'm left with the other guys we trained with. They seem pretty nice. 

"Yo, Im cole, you're Ethan right? New kid? Thats pretty harsh for senior year."

"Yeah thats right haha"

"Wanna hang? We're just gonna go grab a drink."

"Sure why not"

I mean I don't drink but I gotta make friends somehow and Caleb keeps on disapearing so I don't know how that friendship is gonna work out. I head out with the guys and we end up in a bar on the beach with a few girls that join us. It's kind of weird because it's a tuesday night, and the guys are drinking. I don't even know how they are being served cuz we're only 17. I don't mind it though i don't drink. 

After a while since it's getting late I decide to head home. 

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